What Did I Get Myself Into?

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A/N: The car on the side is the red 2012 Dodge Charger that Shantel, and her sister LaShay share.


Shantel catches up to me outside of the gym. LaShay cuaght up, after she escaped the watchful eye of Coach McKinnley.

"You've got a daaate. You've got a daaate.," they both sang teasingly.

"Shut up! No I don't.," I said.

"From what we just saw, yeah you do.," LaShay said.

"It's not important, because I won't be there.," I told them. They all stopped adruptly. I turned back to look at them.

"What?," I asked.

"You can't just not go Ramiya.," Shantel said.

"Yeah, she's right. If you don't go, you can cause some serious problems for yourself. When Jocelyn wants something around here she usually gets it.," LaShay said.

"Maybe it's time for her to learn that she can't always have her way. I think i'm one of the few things that she just won't be able to have.," I said.

"Just be careful we don't want to see you get hurt. She is not one to be played with.," Shantel warned me. I nodded my head, and took into consideration what she was saying. Jocelyn was dangerous, and if she couldn't have what she wanted. Who knew what she would do? I'll try not to piss her off, but i'll be damned I make it easy for her.

"Ramiya, we need to hurry up if we want to beat everybody else for the showers.," LaShay yelled back at me, running towards the lockerroom. I followed her order, and rushed to the locker room. No more than five minutes after, the rest of the girls filed in.

"I think you should go out with her tonight, and if you don't like it just leave. This year is about taking chances, so stop being so safe.," LaShay said to me, as she walked by changing clothes. I pondered her words, and made my way towards the door for my next class. I'm a whole new me-no new Bitch starting to do my own thing.

Walking towards the closet in my next class I got out a canvas and put place it on the easel slightly in the center of the room, angled towards the windows. I loved the use, the natural light played on my paintings. Finished setting up I waited for Mrs. Lockhart go into deeper detailing of our project.

"Remember you guys you have to put your heart, and soul into this. There is no failing grade, how can I fail you for creating the truth about the world through your eyes? Just don't make it a competition amongst you, let yourself be the only one to hold you back.," she encouraged us. She turned on some music, then turned to us

"Now, create my precious Picasso's." I immediately set to work, and soon was well on my way to creating the pieace i'd be trying so hard to achive. I was considering entering it into the city's Up & Coming Artist competition. I got lost in painting, and soon the sound of the bell startled me out of my trance. The rest of my classes just flew by. I waited out front for Lia.

"Just to let you know, i've decided to go on that date with Jocelyn," I told her when she got there.

"I knew it!," she squealded, and hugged me. I lauged.

"Come on, let's go," I said.

"Omg!," her eyes widened. "That means we need to go shopping."

"No, we don't," I said confused.

"Please have you seen your clothes," she rolled her eyes at me.

"Yes, and there is nothing wrong with them," I stated.

"Your right, except for the fact that they are completely unsexy! The girls are already waiting," she said with finality. She then proceeded to drag me towards LaShay, and Shantels car. They were both already in the car, so we just climbed in the backseat of their red 2012 Dodge Charger. Twenty minutes later we were stepping out of the car at Westfield mall.

After checking out a couple different stores we went back to the first store we went to which was Forever 21, seeing as it was all our favorite stores. All the girls took off in different directions the second we were across the threshold. LaShay went straight for the accessories, Shantel to the clothes, and Lia went towards the shoes. I gave into fate, and just went to the dressing room to wait. They all met up at the same time with different pieces, and shoved me into the dressing room.

"I'm not coming out.," I shouted through the door.

"Oh yes, you are," Lia shouted back.

"It can't be that bad, come on let me see," Shantel said walking towards the door. I opened the door quickly, and snatched her through. She whistled long and loud, while looking me up, and down. Banging immediately started on the door, and the door handle rattled.

"Let us in, you guys," LaShay said.

"Yeah, we should get to see. Well at least me, I knew this was coming," she argued. Shantel looked at me, I sighed and went to answer the door. LaShay and Lia were both quiet, and just staring. I shuffled back and forth nervously.

"I knew this wasn't right for me," I huffed. I turned around to start taking off the dress. LaShay and Lia both grabbed me to stop me. They sounded like a babbling incoherent mess.

"Whoa, slow down. One at a time," I said.

"You look super cute-,"LaShay said.

"Sexy," Lia cut in.

"But cute," Lashay finished.

"This outfit was made for you," Shantel said. The outfit in question consisted of a blue dress with buttons on the front in military style with a black blazer, and blue pumps with black detailing.

"We still have to figure out what to do with her hair though," Lia said.

"No, there is not going to be anything done to my hair," I said.

"She's right with this outfit Jocelyn won't beto worried about your hair," LaShay said.

"With any luck if you wear it curly it could make you look as if you just had sex," Shantel said.

"Yeah if Jocelyn isn't the one who's bedding her," Lia snorted. I felt myself blush.

"Aww," the girls said.

"That's it," I said, and pushed them towards the door. We paid for the dress, and left for home. Shantel dropped Lia, and I off. Lia left not to long after, and finished what little homework I did have. A while later mom and dad were home, and it was time for dinner.

"How was school?," my mother asked.

"It was good," I answered.

"Nothing that's been to challenging?," my father asked.

"Not at all. Mrs. Watson said that I would make a good canidate for the Merit Scholarship. She thinks my writing is really good," I told them. My father started to smile, and shared a look with my mother.

"That is good news, very good indeed," he siad.

"I was wondering though, if I would be allowed to go out tonight?," I asked nervously.

"It's a school night," my father said immediately. Yes, a perfect exuse for why I can't go on this stupid date, I thought. A smile coming onto my face. Lia, and the girls would kill me though, my smile dropped instantly.

"That's true, but I would really like to go," I begged. My father sighed, and rubbed his head.

"Natalie, deal with this please. I'll be in the den," he said. He left the room quickly.

"Mon, please please," I begged.

"You know the rules, and you heard your father," she said rising from the table as well. I helped her clear the table.

"But Mom-", I started.

"No Ramiya. We both said no, and that's final," she said. I threw my dishes down in the sink ignoring my mothers startled gasp, and went upstaris to my room.

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