The Good Girl And Her Gangster Lover

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The buzzing of the alarm harshly pierced my ears, as it dragged me out of my sleep. I groaned before slowly sitting up, and hitting the alarm. My phone playing "T.G.I.F." in unison with my clock, I reached over and flipped it open to read a text message from my best friend Lia.

"Get your lazy ass up bitch. : )"- Lia

"I'm sorry, but do you ever go to sleep?!", I quickly text back.

"Now, now I can't help it if I choose to get my beauty rest unlike others. Ahem"- Lia

"Well some of us actually plan on going to college to work for our own success. Not try to marry the richest baller."-me.

"Hmm, whatever just hurry up, and get ready i'm not being late again cuz of you. I got some man hunting to do. Matter of fact I should find you one."-Lia

"Uhhh, no don't even play. You know that's not my style. Text me when you outside."-me

"Hmm, k."-Lia

I got out of bed, and rushed to the bathroom before anybody else used up all the hot water. I started brushing my teeth, and checking myself out in the mirror after taking my shower. Then started picking out the outfit for the day in my room. Looking through my choices I decided on a lace top with a jean skirt that stopped mid-thigh, and my flats. Once dressed I walk over to my mirror, and started working on my hair. I heard a horn honking outside, and then my phone rang. Without bothering to look at the caller ID I answered.

"Just get your ass in here," before I hung up.

Getting back to my hair I finally decided on putting half of it up, and leaving some down with a few pieces being left out in the front.

"Do you have to be so freaking gorgeous?" I heard Lia state, before she appeared in the mirror behind me. I smoothed my hands down my curvaceous figure. Once again thanking God for blessing me with a C32 chest, a tiny waist, and just enough hips, ass, and thighs to draw attention.

"Oh, don't be like that boo. You know you got your fair share of looks,' I assured her.

"Damn straight," she quickly replied back, and starting checking herself out in the mirror. I laughed, and then got back to the finishing touches.

I tweezed my eyebrows, before sweeping some lip gloss across my full lips. Then swept a hint of blush across my caramel colored cheeks, and added a bit of color to make my amber eyes pop.

"Do you think I should dye my hair?", I asked Lia.

"What are you crazy?! You have a nice color it fits your skin tone.", she said.

Hmm, maybe she's right, I thought. Fingering my sandy reddish brown curls I guess it would do for now. After all Lia would now she wanted to own her own salon someday. I looked at my best friend, my Oreo as I liked to call her. Lia was a mix coming from a White mother, and a Black father. She took more after her mother look wise, but had her father's wavy hair. Most people tried to punk her right off the bat, because of how she looked. However she always had a quick comeback, and if that didn't always work there was her strong right hook.

"Come on let's get out of here.", I said while grabbing my stuff on our way out the door.

"Great we took too long, and now my mom left" Lia whined.

"Shut up, and quit complaining. Walking a couple of blocks won't kill you." I replied laughing.

We walked the next few blocks to our bus stop, talking about random things. On the way there we spotted the Latin Kings chilling in the abandoned lot next to the Little World store on the corner. As we walked by their catcalls filled the air, and some even went as far to follow us. Lia slowed down some to even encourage their attention, and I could feel someone's gaze on me.

"Seriously Lia! Just five minutes ago you were rushing me, now you want to take all the time in the world", I said looking over at her disapprovingly.

"Yes, well that was before the Latin Kings started talking to us", she stated smugly.

"Technically they aren't really talking to us, it's more of what they would like to do with us in bed," I replied. Glancing around cautiously, because I could still feel someone's gaze on me. My gaze finally connected with that of Jocelyn's. I felt a shock go through my body; Jocelyn was one of the most dangerous members of the Latin Kings. My mind raced franticly trying to remember what I had done recently to make her notice me. When she noticed that I was watching her she slowly ran her tongue across her top lip, and then grinned at me. I blushed, and stumbled in step.

"Oh my God I soooo saw that! Tell me, tell me when did this go down. I didn't even know you guys talked", Lia gushed. Spotting the bus coming up ahead I grabbed Lia's arm, and broke out into a sprint. Finally making it just in time, we made our way to the back of the bus.

"Okay spill," she panted.

"There's nothing to spill. We have never talked before," I told her. Lia snorted in disbelief, and looked at me skeptically. Seeing the look she was giving me I tried to tell her.

"I swear, I have no idea what the hell that was about." I said.

"Hmm, if you say so. However if there are any new developments I expect to be informed ASAP.," she told me. Then started texting on her phone. I started listening to my IPod Nano, and losing myself in my thoughts.

What the hell was that about, I thought to myself? I called up from memory a picture of Jocelyn in my mind. Leaning against her 1967 Blue Camaro she was the epitome of a bad ass chola. She was rocking black, red, and white Jordan's, with baggy jeans, and her white wife beater. Showing off her toned arms, and tattoos it's no wonder she had me blushing, letting a small chuckle escape my mouth. Not to mention that that the rest of her body didn't deserve any less attention. God, her mouth was fucking sexy, I started to lick my lips, and felt my nipples harden just thinking about the feel of her mouth on them.

Feeling the bus coming to a stop I quickly snapped out of my daydream.

"Come on Lia," I said nudging her awake. She grumbled, but started to get up anyway. We made our across the parking lot, and up the stairs. Through the doors of Dominguez High we went, and it was like we entered our own city.

You could already spot the different cliques crowding the halls as we headed to the senior courtyard in the middle of the school. I felt someone sling their arm across my shoulders, and glanced up. A scowl immediately came to my face it was Derrick the school's self-proclaimed player, and also known as the school's biggest man hoe. I quickly shrugged his arm off my shoulders.

"Aww come on Ramiya, don't be that way. Wassup Lia?" Derrick said.

"Hey D-man," Lia replied giggling. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at her. Leave it for Lia to always be on man watch.

"I'm not being any type of way. I simply just don't have the time, or the patience to listen to the crap you call Game to come out your mouth. Now how about you run along to the free clinic, and make sure whatever you put your dick in this morning didn't give you something to take with you", I told him. Lia's laughter and a couple of other people who overheard soon filled the air.

"Hmm, whatever bitch, but anybody with eyes can see you want me. You'll give in soon enough", he replied.

"Boy I did not know we went to a blind school, and that you was special", I shot back.

"See I knew-" he started. Lia and I shared a look, and said together.

"Yeah, real special in Special Ed", we laughed.

"Aww Lia it's like that so you ganging up on me to?", he threw his hands up in the air. "Okay, I see how it is." Finally getting fed up as we found our friends.

"Why are you still here?", I asked as I turned to look at him. He sighed, and put on his puppy face.

"I'm trying get with you", he said. I slowly smiled at him.

"Derrick,-", shaking my head at him "it's never gonna happen. I'm a lesbian, and that's not going to change. Now have a good day." I patted him on the cheek, and walked away.

"You're gonna get tired of the same old thing at some point in time, and when you do maybe i'll be waiting for you!", he shouted after me.

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