Already With The Drama

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I caught up to Lia just as she reached our group. I greeted Shantel, Mikki, Vincent, and LaShay as we all sat around the step in the middle of the courtyard. We caught each other up on our weekend, and the latest shit that went down that I might of missed.

"Yo Lovely, you missed a bad ass party Saturday. Rashelle's momma came back early, and went straight up crazy when she saw all of us up in her house," Mikki told us as soon as we sat down.

"What?!", Lia exclaimed in disbelief, while I just stared.

"Come on Mikki, quit playing," I said. They looked at each other, and then back at me.

"No, it really happened. Rashelle momma threatened to call the police, and just like that it was a wrap for everybody. All we know is when we left she was tearing into that ass. So don't be surprised if you see Rashelle walking around looking like she scared of her own shadow", she continued.

"Man that's fucked up, I can't believe that I missed that", I replied.

"We can", Shantel said. Lashay just nodded her head vigorously. I narrowed my eyes at them. While Vincent struggled to hide his smile.

"You guys it's not funny this is really important to me, and my parents just want the best", I tried to explain. Lia snorted at that.

"Please, girl you know we love you, but seriously it's like your parents are living in a fantasy land. When are they going to realize that this is LA, not Beverly Hills? It wouldn't kill them to loosen up on you some for once. I mean your seventeen they can't keep you forever," she looked up long enough to say that.

"I know, and I promise it will be different this year. You're looking at a whole new me", I said.

"Yeah, we'll just see about that", Vincent said sarcastically. Lashay hit him upside the back of his head.

"Ow", Vincent whined.

"Shut up, she just might mean it," she started.

"Ha!", I said smugly.

"This time", she finished. I threw up my hands and, and huffed. The warning bell rang for first period, and we all went our separate ways. I made my way to Honors English IV, and took my seat towards the back of the class. I got ready for class to begin, and watched as other people started to fill up the room. Our teacher walked through the door a couple minutes after the bell rang, and passed out our class schedules.

1. Honor's English IV

2. Environmental Science


3. Gym

4. Art

5. Calculus

6. Government

7. Free Period

8. Music

"Good morning class. I trust you all did the assigned reading for this weekend. Please, pass up your essays, and we will begin our Socratic seminar", she said. "Oh, and Ramiya can you come up here for a minute please?", she asked.

"Sure thing Mrs. Watson.," I replied. I made my way to the front of the classroom, towards her desk.

"Now, Ramiya you're a very bright student one of the best i've taught at this school. Yet you still haven't applied for the Merit Scholarship program. Just how do you expect to pay for college? You still want to go don't you?," Mrs. Watson asked worriedly.

"Yes, of course. I'm just trying to decide where I want to apply," I told her.

"Well take these forms, and have your parents sign them. You will also need a recommendation from someone outside of your family. Seeing as your still underage," she said. I took the offered packet from her hands. "When will you be turning eighteen?," she asked.

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