Power cames with corruption Part 1

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"Tikki, I can't do it anymore." Marinette lamented. Tikki looks at Marinette while she eat a half eaten cookie. "Mmm? Y..you want to tell them?" She asked with anxious. Marinette nodded. Tikki frowned deeply and sighed. She nods to her. "I guess you're right. Plus, I don't think we can lasted for long time." "Alright, Tikki Spots on!"

Time skip to Top of Eiffel Tower
Ladybug was sitting anxiously, waiting for Chat to arrive. She fiddled around with her hands. "My lady~!" A cheerful voice spoke to her. She spun around to see Chat smiles at her flirty. She stood up and walked to him. Chat's smile deflated as she walked close to him, grew worried about her. She stands front of him, next thing has stunned Chat; she hugged him tightly. "M-my lady?" Chat said anxiously. "A-are you okay?" Ladybug shook her head against Chat's chest. "No. I'm not okay for long time ago. Chat, I can't do it. It's eating me alive." She hugged him more tight. Chat hugged back, rested his head on her head. "What's wrong?" Chat asked. Ladybug made a sound; she whimpered. "I can't...I am scared..." Chat grew more worried about her. "My lady, please tell me, I'll help you no matter what. My lady, you got me worried about you." Chat wasn't prepared for her to start crying. Chat panicked when she sobbed as she burrows her head into chat's chest. Chat began to stroke her hair slowly. "T-Tikki spots off..." A bright but soft pink light blinded him. Chat closed his eyes in attempt to block the light, after while he opened them to see Marinette hugged him very tightly and crying hard. "M-Marinette?" Chat stuttered to her. "She looks up at him with tears streaming down. "You know me?" She muttered woefully. Chat nodded slowly, muttered "Plagg claws in." A bright green light filled the surrounding for short time then dimmed to reveal Adrien front of Marinette. Marinette recoiled her head little from surprise then buried her head back to Adrien's chest again. She continued sobbed to his chest while Adrien kept strokes Marinette's hair in attempt to calm her down. Tikki and Plagg watched afar from them. Plagg soon floats to edge of beam. Tikki saw him and floats toward him. He seems didn't know she's there.
"Plagg...?" Tikki asked as she floats close to him. Plagg looks up. "Oh, hey there." He huffed. Tikki was worried. "Are you okay?" She asked him. Plagg crossed his tiny arms. "Why should I be okay?" Tikki tided her head in confusion. Plagg growled. "Tikki, I'm jealous of you. I'm bad luck magnet! And you're good luck magnet! Why's it so hard for me to be successful and not failed once?! I mean you are so good and an amazing Kawaii. I don't understand why should I here for..." Plagg growls in frustration. Few minutes past by and Plagg realized that Tikki was quiet lately. He looks at her and was shocked to see that she's silently crying. "T-Tikki?! What's wrong?!" He panicked. Tikki sniffling sadly as she looks at him. "You don't know the struggles I have to face with Marinette..." Plagg was confused. "Huh?" Tikki sighed and look at the distance. "Even since I have given Mari a power to create everything, it's funny that with power of destruction had helped hero to know what's right and what's wrong but with power of creation, it only causes problems for a hero who was been given to and me. You see, it's really hard to not get corrupted by evilness that came with the power. After all, power to create anything does came with evilness and corruption." Tikki explained sadly. She sighed and look at her tiny paws. "Marinette has tried so hard to not given in to the evilness and corruption. She don't want to hurt anyone else. Even I don't want to lose you. I can't stop it but the world needs ladybug and I have to deal with it." Plagg was stunned by all new information he gets. He looks down guiltily. How could he said that he have worse job while Tikki really have horrible internal struggle everyday. Plagg looks back at two lovebirds. But something's different; Adrien looks at Marinette with worried face and Marinette have a sad and desperate face like she wants to tell him but have an internal struggle right now. He looks back to Tikki. "H-hey, I'm sorry that you're trapped with it." Tikki chuckles dryly. "Yeah? Well, I guess the tables have been turned around for us. I'm unlucky and you're very lucky." Plagg frowned at her. "Tikki....you know what? That's not true. I... I don't care if you have to deal with it, you're not going to deal with it alone. You..you could have told me and Adrien so we can help you with it." Plagg said solely. Tikki sighed sadly and scoots closer to Plagg and hugs him. Plagg is bit stunned by this but hugs her back.
Back to Adrien and Marinette, Marinette still stumbled over her words, unsure what to say. Adrien stared at her anxiously, waiting for her to start. Adrien began to realize that she's anxious about this and put his hands on her hands. He holds her hands up and kiss on their fingers. Marinette blushed and look away from him. She sighed and began to talk to him. "Adrien.... You know that I am Ladybug and I have a power to create anything." Marinette said. Adrien nods to her. "Well, actually. That's why I'm feeling like a burdens to you." Adrien tided his head little. "Y-you see, it is slowly corrupting me. I'm not sure what would happen if I was corrupted but I don't want to hurts anyone else. I'm scared for everyone." Marinette said sadly. Adrien stared at her stunned. "Uh, what do you mean it's corrupting you?" Marinette looks up and sighed softly. "I want to destroy everything with my power. I want to take over the world. I...I want to...." Marinette trails off as she began to cry again. Adrien stared at her and said "oh....." Adrien muttered something and then hugged her tightly. He spoke sweet things to her ear while stroke her hair. "So..." Adrien said, "you want to do bad things like Hawkmoth?" Marinette nods quickly and sobbed into his chest. Adrien sighed and keep hugged her.

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