Blue eyes in dark Part 1

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(Warning! Marinette is a werecat in this story. )
"Marinette? Will you come over to my house for sleepover tomorrow?" Alya asked to Marinette. She froze up and look at Alya with terrified look. "Uh, no. I can't come over to your house tomorrow but I can come over to your house today." She said nervously. Alya crossed her arms. "I'm busy on tomorrow, my boss want me to make him something on Friday and I would like to have a break from that." She explained to her. Alya sighed and nods to her. Meanwhile Adrien stared at two girls. 'Weird, my father didn't tell me that. Why'd she lied to her about tomorrow? Did something bad will happen to her?' He thinks, worried.
Time skip to top of Eiffel Tower
"My lady?" Ladybug looks at Chat. "Yes, Kitty?" She said. He fumbled around with his baton. "I....I want to show you who I am." He said. Ladybug sighed softly. "How many times do I have to tell you? We can't do that. I mean what if Hawkmoth found out about our hidden identities? What would he do with it?" She said. Chat's ears and tail dropped in sadness. "Oh, okay. Hey, tomorrow is full moon. Would you like to see it on here?" Chat said nervously. Ladybug freeze up. "N-no. I can' won't understand why...." She said as she looks away from him. Chat frowned at her. "Why not?!" He said with sadness and frustration. Ladybug wince at his voice. "I...I am scared if you found out about it, you probably will tries do anything about it and I may ended up hurting you. I don't want that to happen..." She said lowly. Chat's ear perks up as he heard it. "What do you mean?" He said. She winced and look at him. "I am so sorry...." She said before throwing her yo-yo and flew away. Chat stared at her then look at his baton. "Why can't she just tell me? She can trusts me, I won't tell anyone! Why?" He said solemnly.
Time skip to tomorrow tonight
"Ugh, it's tonight, Tikki." She grumbled. Tikki sighed sadly. "I really don't like it when you can't go for patrols and Chat began to get worried about it." Tikki said sorrowful. Marinette winced little bit before look at Tikki as her blue eye winched for a second. "I'm sorry." She said.
"Princess?" Both look at Chat on window, horrified. "You are Ladybug?" He said with excitement. She muttered something like a chant of no. Tikki groans sadly. "You come here on wrong time, Chat!" She said sorrowfully. Chat didn't hear Tikki instead he went to her. "Marinette...I would like to show you myself since I now know you're Ladybug." He said as green light covered him. It soon revealed Adrien standing there with a smile. Marinette gasps and her hand flew to her mouth. Tikki stared at him horrified. "Adrien! You come here on wrong time!" She yelled at him. He flinched to her yelling. Plagg floats to her. "What do you mean, we came here on wrong time?" He said confused. Tikki was about to tell him when she saw it; the full moon shines brightly though the opened window. She freezes up as she stared at the moon. Two boys look at the moon. "Did that have do something with her?" He asked. Sudden a whimper has reached to them. They turned to see Marinette is shaking violently. "Marinette?!" Adrien said with concerns. He began to walk to her but Tikki stopped him. Marinette began to panting. She shuts her eyes tight. She whimpers as she continued to shakes violently. She opened her eyes, revealed her cat-like blue eyes. She opened her mouth, showed her four sharp fangs(two on top and two on bottom). She looks at her hands as they began to grew fur hair and her nails changes to claws. She yelled out in pain and she fell over on the floor. Adrien and Plagg watched in horror as Marinette transformed. Soon, she was done transforming. She shakes her head and look at Adrien. She was covered in black fur. Her hands changed to paws. Her ears change to cat ears, was on top of her head. Her furry tail wags behind her. She mews sadly and look away from him. Plagg looks at Tikki, confused and horrified. She sighed frustrating. "Marinette have a werecat blood runs in her family. She was like that for long time. Since I was rejoiced her as 14 years old, she told me about her werecat blood family. I don't know about it until she told me. So, every full moons she transformed into werecat, she can't go to patrols nor fight against akumas. This is a problem for us." She explained to them as Marinette cowered in fear. Adrien listen to Tikki as he stared at Marinette. When Tikki is finished explaining, he walked toward Marinette's cowering form. He kneels down front of her and she peeks out at him from her paws, covering her face. He stared down at her then he put his hand on her head and pets her. She began to purrs loudly as she leans toward his hand, put her paws down. Adrien smiles at her, continue pets her. She purrs loudly as she rubs against his hand. He chuckles softly. Marinette's ear twitches as she hear his chuckles. She moved away from him, a dark pink blushes runs across her face. He laughed at her embarrassment, then he reached out to her and hugged her furry neck. (Marinette is foot taller than Adrien) She mews in surprise then she returned the hug. Her furry tail warped around his waist. He smiles at her soft fur, he nuzzles against her furry chest. She purrs softly as she rubs her cheek with whiskers against his head. He sighed softly. "You remind me of my mother. She's like my home so you're like my home, too." He muttered. Marinette perks up to looks at him. He blushes deeply as he realized what he was saying. But Marinette purrs loudly as she rubs against his head. He laughed at her affection. She picked him up and hugged him tightly. Adrien laughed out loud. Tikki giggles at them and Plagg chuckles softly. Marinette mews softly as she grew tired. Adrien noticed that. "Marinette? Can we go to your bed? I know that you probably won't feel comfortable with me sleep with you but I don't think that I want to go back to my lonely house." He said woefully. Marinette looks at him with her ears deflated back. She carried him to her bed and put him on it. He looks at her confused as she crawled into the covers. He speaks out of surprise as she curled up with him. She purrs softly as she went to sleep with her head buried in against his neck. He sighed softly as he feel tired and falls asleep. Tikki and Plagg awed at them. They went to desk near her bed and fall asleep on the lamp's base.
Next morning
Adrien groans softly as the morning light hits his eyelids. He cracked them open to see it's morning. He looks down to see half naked Marinette curls up near him. (Her lower body was covered by the blanket covers. That means her breasts are covered too, you prevents) he blushes deeply as he realized that she's naked. She muttered something and roll away from him. He sighed softly and jump off the bed to get her some clothes.

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