The Terror of Cursed Girl part1

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Here is it! The sequel to Late Phone Call; The Terror of Cursed Girl. I'm sure that you have seen the preview of this story. Lots of angstorms here. I hope that you like it!

Marinette sighed heavily as she stared at the ceiling. 'Another nightmare...' she thought as she sits up on the bed. She looks at her hands as she recalled her nightmare. The blood on her hands, dead bodies of her friends, bloody kitchen knife and bright green eyes glared at her. Marinette shakes her head. She groans in frustration. "Marinette...?" She glanced at her kwami, Tikki. "Sorry..." Mari muttered. Tikki looks at her with worried face. "...Nightmare?" Marinette nodded once. "Oh, Marinette..." Tikki said as she flew to Marinette's cheek and hug her. "I think you should talk to Alya." Tikki said as she rubbed her cheek against Marinette's cheek. Marinette sighed softly and reached out for her phone. She whips it up and looks at clock on her phone. '2:15 pm... great.' Marinette thought as she dialed Alta's number. She put it on her ear as she waits for her to pick up. Ring... Ring... Hello? "Alya..." Marinette! Oh, girl. It's 2:16 pm! Is it your nightmare again? "Yes." Geez. What's it this time? "Same one." The one that you're standing with bloody kitchen knife and bloody hands? Surround by dead bodies of our classmates and family? Green eyes glared at you? "Mmh." Oh, geez. Hey, want to heard what's happening due Akuma attack? "Sure." Okay, so I was filming Ladybug and Chat noir fighting in action. Then the akuma did... Alya talks to Marinette about Akuma attacks, Chole's problems, and Adrien/Nino.
"And..?" And she just walked away from me! I think she's mad. "Hahahaha. Alya." Marinette chuckles. Feeling better? "Yea... thank you." Anytime for my best friend. "Didn't you need sleep?" What? And leaving my best friend in need of a friend, alone with horrible nightmares?! Hell naw. You won't sleep after you woken up from nightmares. Marinette smiled softly. "Seriously... Thank you..." You're welcome, girl. Have a good night! *click* Marinette puts her phone away and pulls her covers over her. Then she rolled over to her side and tried to sleeping. Sooner she woken up to find herself alone in empty space. She sits up, stand up and looks around. "W-what? W-where am I?" She said confused as she glanced around. She suddenly noticed a small figure in distance. Marinette tidied her head in confusion before began to walking toward the figure. Sooner, a figure becomes bigger as she grew closer to it. Suddenly she stop as she stared at the black figure. It's about same height as her but its body is completely black from head to toes. It's head bowed down. "Wha-? Who are you?!" Marinette said shocking as she stared at black figure. Black figure's head move up, reveals its eyes which makes Marinette gasps. It's eyes are bight green, exactly from her nightmares. Its grins at her, show its sharp teeth. Hello, little bug. In case if you wonder, I'm the green eyes whom glared at you as you were stood, surrounded by your dead friends. Black figure said as its takes a step toward Marinette. "Wh-who are you?!" Didn't matters. Now, Marinette... or should I said... Ladybug. I know all about you, Ladybug. It's your fault that I was this way. You make me terrorized yourself. No...Ladybug makes me terrorized you, Marinette. Mwehehehehe... let's just say that you will suffering because of Ladybug's terrible mistake. Time to make your life more worsen. See you soon at next night. Mweheheh...! "Wha-? W-wait! Who are you?! How did you know my name and my secret identity?! W-what do you mean, Ladybug's terrible mistake would make me suffering?! Wh- Wait-!" Marinette yelled after the black figure but the dream ends quickly. She flips her arms around as she sits up on her bed. She quickly turned to the clock, reads 6:03 am. She sighed. She puts her hands on her face. She rubbed her eyes and laid down on her bed again. She stared at the ceiling. "..." The hell is that figure? How did she knew me? ...Ladybug had made a mistake before that caused that figure to terrorize me. What's that mistake? ...Would my nightmares come true...? Marinette shudders when she thought of her nightmares. "Marinette...?" Marinette glanced at her left, see a drowsy Tikki. "Sorry, another nightmare." "I see..." she yawns and weakly smiled at Marinette. She smiled back. Tikki nodded her head and crashed into the pillow, instantly falls asleep. Marinette looks at Tikki for while before looking back at the ceiling. ...maybe I should ask Tikki about nightmares of mine. Maybe she knows who's that figure. Hopefully I would learn about that so called Ladybug's mistake. Marinette turned around and laid down on her left side. Soon as she closed her eyes, suddenly pair of same green eyes glaring at her cause her to open her eyes quickly. She shudders and covered her face with her blanket.

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