Adrien and The Lionesses

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Inspired by this. I can't wait to writing this. But, this time, Marinette as lioness! Yes, Mari as lioness. What can I said? I ship them so hard.

Adrien sighed softly as he sits on the stage of photo shooting. He glanced at the three cages with lionesses. The first lioness is large, dark-yellowing fur lioness. She gives a huge yawn. The second lioness is light-colored yellow lioness. She rolled over and stretched out. The third lioness has catches his attention. One of caretakers did said that that one is unique. She have a light-whiter yellow coat with darker spots on her body and face. One would mistaken her as cheetah or leopard. She is smaller than other two but she's more bulky and beautiful than other two. Adrien keep staring at the beautiful lioness as she just laid there. "Her name is Marinette." Adrien jumped from the voice. He looks at the female caretaker. She chuckles. "Let you know, you're only allowed to touch Mari because she's the most gentlest of all lionesses. She even won't bite me or you." She shrugged. "Who knows why didn't she hurt anyone. She's literally very gentle but strong." Adrien nodded softly and looks at Marinette, resting her head on her paws. He smiled softly.
"Okay, people! Get ready!" Adrien sighed heavily and walked toward the stage. He sits the chair and crosses his legs. Soon, three lionesses comes and lying on the floor, next to Adrien. However, two large lionesses don't trust him so they try to attacks him. But with Marinette's roar, they quickly backed up from Adrien. Marinette paced around Adrien before she laid down around him, successfully blocked him from two big lionesses. Both sits down beside Marinette. "Wonderful! They're a well behaved animals. Okay, now pose, Adrien!"

Several hours later of photo-shootings

Adrien sighed heavily as he walked to the lounge room and flop down on the couch. "Today's interesting day. Never thought that Marinette would protect me from other lionesses." He chuckles softly when he thought the reaction of two big lionesses to Marinette being aggressive. Purrrr... Adrien opened his eyes to see same lioness sits front of him. He recoiled in surprise when he realized it's Marinette. She tidied her head and leaned to him. Then she stands up, leaps onto the couch and laid her head on his lap. Adrien stared at her, shocked by her behavior. Rrrrraaawwwhhhh? Meeeroow...? Adrien looks up and yelps softly when he see two lionesses there. Marinette looks at them, tidied her head around, before laid back. Both looks at each other before they trots to them and laid by his legs. Adrien was completely shocked by their oddly behavior. But for some reason, he felt loved by these lionesses. He reached out and cuddled with her neck; he lifted her head up. Marinette purrs happily.


Adrien wakes up when he heard a loud scream. He blinks softly as he glanced at sleeping Marinette on his body. He was shocked when he realized he's lying on the floor, cuddling with three lionesses. Soon he calmed down and smiled softly. They must sensed the sorrow and negatives from him and decided that he need more love since he doesn't have enough love. Thanks to them, he felt so loved now. He smiled happily as he pulls Marinette toward him and hugged her softly. Marinette mews softly and rubbed her head against his head. He falls asleep again, this time he cuddles with Marinette.

Oh my god... this sucks so badly. Oh well, more fluffies!

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