Power cames with corruption Part 4

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"M-Marinette?" Adrien said nervously. She stays silent and continue stared at him close (too close for comfort). Tikki and Plagg looks at two teenagers in wonder. Tikki tenses up as if she's ready for something to happen. Marinette exhaled at his face. Adrien can feel Marinette's warm breath on him. He stuttered badly that he can't form a sentence. "M-m-m-m-mar-" he was cut off by Marinette puts her forehead against his forehead. Adrien was stunned by this action. Plagg looks at Tikki. "What's up with her?" Tikki shrugs and glanced at Plagg. "I dunno why but whenever she's snapped out from her trance of corruption, she probably won't even control her actions afterwards. But this is a new one." She said. "I guess she probably wants something from you, Adrien." He glanced at her then back to Marinette. "M-M-M-Marinette? W-w-w-what do you want from me?" He asked nervously. She stared at him like a cat stared at mouse before pounced on it. He swear that he's sweating like bullets. Sudden she moved away little from his face. Adrien didn't realize that he was holding his breath and exhaled it out. Quickly she moved toward and kissed him. Adrien was shocked once more. Tikki and Plagg's jaw dropped. For few seconds, Marinette recoiled from him like she's shocked by electricity. "I...! I'm so sorry! I don't know what comes over me. I'm sorry! Please forgive me!" Marinette panicked. Adrien sighed in relief. "Well, you have me worried for a sec. Tikki just told me that you won't controls your actions afterwards." Adrien scratched his back of his head. Marinette nods and scoot over to edge of the bed. Adrien sighed and gets up. "I have to go. I have a photoshoots at morning. I'll come back to you right away when I am done." Adrien said as he went to change his clothes. Marinette made a sound and turned away. Adrien turns to Marinette when he's done changed. He stared at her and walked to her. He kissed her on forehead. "I'll be back, I promise you I won't leave you alone for long time." He said to her while their foreheads touched. Marinette nods slowly. Adrien moved away from her and grabbed his bag which Plagg already entered into the bag. He left through his bedroom door.

3 hours passed by....

"I'm back!" Adrien shouted into the empty mansion. Plagg zoomed out of the bag, holds the cheese. Sudden Tikki zoomed to Adrien. "Adrien! Marinette's..!" She panicked. Plagg and Adrien realized something. Adrien dropped his bag and runs up the stairs and to his room. He bursts in and saw Marinette laid back on the bed. But her eyes are deep reddish pink again and they're glowing fiercely than before. He can see some yellowish and orangish steaks from her reddish pink eyes. He runs to Marinette. "Marinette!" He yelled at her. She glanced at him, more yellowish and orangish steaks trail off. Adrien stared at her and leaned over her. He kissed her again. Tikki and Plagg has arrived when Adrien kissed Marinette. They stared at two teenagers. Adrien continue kissed her; he ended up crawls top over her. Marinette's eyes are still glowing but only not fiercely. Tikki and Plagg looks with anxiousness. Marinette pushed him away. Adrien began to grab her arms and pinned them down above her head. Plagg muttered something. Tikki glared at him. Marinette's eyes slowly returned to normal and she stared at him. His eyes are closed while kissing her so he did not see her eyes returned to normal. Marinette stay still for while. When Adrien began to pulls away, to see if she's returned to normal, she pulled him back with her hands behind his head; she kisses him back. Adrien's eyes snaps opened in surprised. Tikki cooed softly and Plagg groans softly. They began to making out with two Kawaiis stared at them. Adrien have his hands on Marinette's head. Marinette held his head close to her, grabs a fistful of Adrien's hair. Moans and groans filled in Adrien's bedroom. (I realized something. In ' Adrienette making out session' I write them making out in Marinette's bedroom. Now in this part, I write them making out in Adrien's bedroom. That is really ironic.) Kawaiis decided to give them room; they floated out of the bedroom. Adrien began to deepen their kiss. Marinette moaned at that action. Adrien moved his hands to interweave with Marinette's hands. Marinette shifts to give him better access. He bit her lips, licks it softly and nibble at her. She yields to him, part her mouth open. Adrien's tongue slipped into her mouth and rubs against Marinette's tongue, makes her moans. Few minutes of their making out session, they breaks up to gulp down air. Adrien pants heavily as he stared at Marinette's bleary eyes. She was panting like a dog in summer time. "Adrien..." She said hoarsely. "I love you so much...." Marinette muttered rashly. Adrien chuckles softly and leaned toward her. Their foreheads touched as he kept staring at her. "I love you too, my lady..." Adrien said hoarsely. They were smiling at each other. "Ah..." Marinette exhaled softly. Adrien moved besides her. Marinette's breathing grew quiet and slow. Adrien puts his arm around Marinette, half hugged her. Marinette snuggled up with him. Soon Marinette fell asleep on Adrien's chest. (Like last night.) Adrien stared down at her. Few minutes later, Plagg comes to check them out. He saw that Adrien and Marinette was sleeping together. Tikki popped out and saw them. She awed at their adorable and Plagg just don't complains but just smiled at them.

(Prepared yourself for last part of 'Power cames with corruption'!)

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