Finding Love

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I lifted my gaze for the first time and there you were

We smiled in each other's direction and turned to our separate conversations

We were too young back then

Too young for love, for heartbreak, for stained innocence

But years have passed by

We crossed paths yet again

In a frivolous universe it seems

But I see the fragments of the old you and me

I don't know you

But I feel a tug at my heart

We started talking

Our hearts rapidly beating

I showed you sides of me I haven't let others see

You showed me flaws of yours I couldn't have ever thought of

We embaced each other's imperfections

And filled each other's gaping holes of hollowness

Your mellifluous voice rings in my ears

A beautiful melody that even winds could carry

You took me out to see the gigantic waves

Yet even their splashing couldn't nullify your dark orbs staring right through mine

You told me how you found comfort within my presence

And I had no idea my love was always meant for you

We both found love in the time we were apart

It's time to open a fresh new start.

- s.m.l

Unvoiced Introspection: Love & DespairWhere stories live. Discover now