Chapter Four.

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So in this chapter I will be linking the AMAZING video that @diagnosedwithlupus made for me, she did such a great job! Definitely give it a watch and subscribe to her channel.


It was a Thursday the first time he spoke to her on school grounds and they weren't in his class room. She would never forget it, would hold it with her for the rest of her life as the day that someone had finally spoken to her at school simply because they wanted too.

It was a nice sunny day and she had decided to take her lunch break outside rather than face the crowded cafeteria of people who only wanted to put her down. This school was full of rich kids who drove there every day in their fancy cars and she had never really fit in. She'd walk to school in her worn out shoes and try to keep her head down. Before her mom died it hadn't been so bad, she would go home and cry and her mom would make her ice cream and tell her how beautiful she was, how smart, how special. It'd been a long time since she'd felt worth while.

She walked to the only picnic table outside and took a seat, dropping her back pack on the bench beside her. She pulled out a book and turned to her page, her step-mother had forgot to pack her lunch again.

The door to the school opened behind her and a young couple sprinted across the grass, they disappeared behind the building and she shook her head. She'd never had a boyfriend, never been kissed, never been touched but she thought the constant PDA's was ridiculous.

She turned back to her book and was completely entranced by a chapter when a shadow fell over her. She ducked her head, more out of habit than actual fear.

"Miss Whitley?"

"Good Afternoon Mr. Reynolds."

"Good Afternoon...."He trailed off and looked around the small yard.

She blushed and turned her head back to her book, she wasn't blind to the fact he was attractive and that she wasn't. He was obviously thinking she was a freak with no friends who had to sit outside alone at lunch.

"Would you mind if I joined you?" He asked.

Even though she was the only one in the small area she looked around, certain he was speaking to someone other than her. Finally she gave a small shake of her head and he took up the seat across from her, she forced her head and eyes back down to her book but was no longer reading any words. The truth was she liked him, more than she knew she should.

"What are you reading today?" He asked, trying to make conversation.

"Frankenstein," She said softly.

"Really? And how do you like it?"

"I think it's terribly sad, that poor creature."

"You disagree with him being a monster then?"

"The only monster in this book are the human beings," She replied.

"I would have to agree with you."

She turned back to her book and he watched her read, the silence stretching on for a few minutes before he finally spoke again.

"Are you excited for Homecoming?"He asked.

"No, I'm not going."

"Oh? Can I ask why?"

She shifted nervously on her seat, she wasn't going because not only could she not afford a dress but also because she had nobody to go with.

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