Chapter Twenty Eight.

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If the photo works it is of Alex.


It was the entire weekend before Belle heard any news on Alex, Jade didn't even ask her if she wanted to attend school and they had moved into a motel. The cops had came and questioned Belle several times and by now her affair with Alex was pretty much known, no matter how much she denied it.

The phone rang and Jade reached to answer it, Belle was laying in one of the beds staring at the wall.


"Yes....yes...she is."

"Belle?" Jade called softly.

Belle rolled to face her but didn't speak.

"It's for you, I'll just... go take a walk."

Jade exited and Belle frowned before crawling off the bed and picking up the phone.


"Hey Baby."

"Alex!" She dropped to her knees trying to hold back a sob.

"It's okay, I'm okay. Are you okay?"

"No! I'm scared and....I'm worried for you and I..."

"Shhh, calm down. I don't have long but....I just I wanted to tell you's going to be okay for you. You're life will be okay and I'm so sorry."

"For what? I should be sorry I ruined your life."

"No, Belle you didn't. were what saved me."

She started to cry, gripping the phone like it was a lifeline.

"Look....I'm being charged, on....a lot of things but....I think I can make a deal, I can keep you out of this."

"No! Don't cut me out, please Alex."

" me, okay? Can you do that?"

"Yeah....I...I'll try."

"Okay, I'll try and be in touch but...I don't know when."


"I.....I'll miss you Bellamy."

"I love you!"She cried, unable to not tell him when she didn't know how long it'd be until she could talk to him again.


A loud buzzer interrupted him and nearly deafened Belle.

"Time's up baby, I have to go."




He hung up and even as the dial tone sounded in her ear Belle clung to the phone until Jade came back and pried it gently from her grip.

Alex gently placed the phone back on the hook, leaning against it for just a minute. Hearing her voice reminded him of why he was here, of the choices he made and that it was all for her what he was about to do. Turning to where his Father and the best lawyer they could find sat at a table waiting he eased into his seat.

"There, we allowed you to call her. Now you see she has not been brought into this....yet," His father said.

"I want her left out of this, I'll do whatever you want just.....keep Belle out of this."

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