Chapter Fifteen.

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If the photo works it's of Alex :)


She was nervous when her alarm went off that morning, Jade already breakfast ready for her but she could barely stomach any of it.

"Is something wrong?" Jade asked.

"No, stuff."

"School or Mr. Reynolds?" Jade teased.


"So it is Mr. Reynolds."

"He gave me a ride home last night and.....we kissed....a lot."

"So you made out?" Jade asked.



"I don't know.....what to say to him or what I should do or..."

"Belle, you're over thinking. Just follow his lead, let him take care of you."

Belle gave a small nod and turned her attention to her cereal, pushing pieces around in her bowl with her spoon.

"Okay, go on, get to school." Jade said taking the bowl away from her.

Belle stood from the table, grabbing her books from beside where she was siting. She grabbed her backpack from the back of the chair and started shoving her things inside.

"Do you want a ride to school?" Jade asked.

"No, I think I'll ride the bus today."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I just need time alone to think."

She sat alone on the bus, holding her backpack on her lap. Staring out the window and watching the building speed by. She didn't want to go to school today, she didn't want to see him again. She was afraid.

The bus let her out a block away from her school and she walked slowly, dragging her feet and taking the time to look at everything around her. When she reached the steps for the school she paused, other students rushed inside.

"Planning on being fashionably late?" Misty asked from her left.

"No, I..."

"I don't really care, frankly I'd feel better if you skipped."

Missy brushed passed her making sure to bump shoulders with her and set Belle off balance. Belle watched her go before taking a deep breath, she didn't want to let Misty scare her away from school but she also didn't want to go inside.

"Miss Whitley," A voice called and she looked up.

Mr. Green, the very teacher that she'd caught Misty with a few days ago was walking towards her. She never did like him that much but since seeing him and Misty the mere thought of him made her skin crawl.

"Yes Mr. Green?"

"I hope you're not planning on being tardy."

"No, sir."

"Good, I'll walk you to class." He offered.

"No, I can find my way."

"Nonsense," The threw an arm around her shoulders and she cringed.

She allowed him to steer her up the steps and down the hall towards her first class which was science, Miss Barnett was the teacher.

"I should stop at my locker,"Belle said weakly.

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