Chapter Sixteen.

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Up above you will find the NEW trailer to my book Zeke's Secret which I am currently working on.


For the first time in a long time Belle was excited to go to school, Missy might be there but so was Alex. She ate breakfast while she was standing shoving her books in her backpack, she tugged on her converse sneakers and hoodie and was out the door before Jade could offer her a ride.

Her feet had just reached the sidewalk when a black car pulled up beside her, the passenger door swung open in front of her and she stopped turning to see Mr. Reynolds.

"I thought maybe I could give you a ride," He said.

"Isn't that against the rules?"


She hesitated for a minute before throwing caution to the wind and climbing into the car. She dropped her backpack onto the floor.

"I don't want to get you fired," She said softly.

"If anyone finds out about us....they'll do a lot worse than fire me."

"Then I can walk."

"Don't be ridiculous, I know the risks I'm a grown man and I......want to drive you to school."

He turned down one of the streets that lead to school and she fell silent. She didn't care what people thought of her, she'd always been a nobody she didn't have a reputation to worry about. She did however, worry about his.

He parked in the back parking lot where the other teachers did and climbed from the car, grabbing his briefcase from the back seat like it was a normal day. Belle glanced around the parking lot before climbing out as well.

"Look, as much as I'd love to walk you into the school.....I can't"

"I know," She replied.

"Stick around after school, once everyone is gone...could I drive you home?"

"I'd like that," she admitted.

"Run along, before I'm tempted to kiss you."

She blushed and ducked her head before hurrying off into the school. She kept her head down through lunch and every single class. When she got to English she felt like she was practically floating on air.

Alex glanced over at her from where he was writing on the chalkboard and smiled. She blushed and took her seat, pushing her hair back behind her ear and trying to contain her smile.

"What do you look so damned happy about?" Missy asked as she sat down.


"Okay guys, this week your assignment. I want you to write a report on your favorite author and why," Alex said turning to the class.

A collective amount of groans and complaints took over the classroom but Belle was practically beaming already her mind racing with ideas on what she could say.

"So have it by Friday and....I think we'll read them out loud," He decided.

More kids began to collectively whine and complain amongst their friends, and to dig in their back packs for to begin working on their papers.

Belle barely noticed Missy whining or the other students bickering as she worked the rest of the class on her report. When the Belle rang she continued to write until she felt a soft but firm hand on her shoulder.

"Working hard?" Alex asked from beside her.

"Don't look yet!" She cried, slamming her notebook closed.

"Alright, the bell rang you can go."


She stood, shoving her things in her backpack, she turned to him and bit her lip. Slowly she stretched onto her tiptoes and kissed him quickly on the lips.

"I'll see you after school?" She asked shyly.


She smiled before hurrying out of the room. She skipped her next class and it was the first time she'd ever done something like that. She hung out in the library during the class and worked on her report.

When the bell rang signaling the end of school she waited until she knew the other students and teachers were gone before crossing the school yard. There was a small red car parked next to Alex's but she shrugged it off. She let herself into the school and walked down the empty halls to his room. She opened the door and froze.

Alex was leaning against the edge of his desk and a tall, slender, obviously rich blonde woman was standing in front of his with her arms around his neck.

He turned his attention to the door and instantly stood up straight, pushing the blonde away.


"Mr. Reynolds...I just wanted to ask you a question about the paper but it...can wait," Belle said, proud of herself for her quick response.

"Are you one of Alex's students?" The blonde asked.

"Yes, I'm Bellamy." Belle offered.

"Hi, I'm Jessie. I'm Alex's fiance.."

"Fiance?" Belle choked.

"Belle..."He sounded pained when he spoke.

"Well, I can come back another time."

Before he could stop her Belle turned and exited the room. She walked down the hall clutching her books to her chest and fighting back the tears. By the time her feet his the sidewalk however she could no longer hold back the pain.

She cried the entire long walk home and up the stairs to her shitty apartment, she turned the knob and realized she forgot her key. She knocked and Jade answered.

"Belle? What happened?!" Jade exclaimed.

Belle dropped her books and took the two steps needed to step into Jades arms, burying her head in Jades shoulder she sobbed.

Jade hesitated only a minute before pulling Belle close, she kissed the top of her head and promised her it would be okay, even if she didn't understand that it wouldn't.

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