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The trial fell on Monday, Alex intending to plea guilty but his father insisting that he shouldn't. His father paid for the best lawyers but even Alex knew he wasn't getting out of this one and that was okay because Belle was taken care of.

His father held up his end of the deal and Belle had been kept out of the press and would not be called to the stand, that didn't stop her however from coming to the trial. When Alex walked into the courtroom he saw her sitting on his site of the courtroom with Jade.

Alex was on the stand first and the prosecutor was ruthless.

"Mr. Reynolds, did you or did you not lose your job for having an illicit affair with a student?"


"And were you having an affair with a seventeen year old?"


A collective hum of disapproval fell over the crowd and Belle glanced across the aisle to see Maggie, Her mother, her father and Ethan. Maggie gave Belle a sad smile and Belle felt even guiltier for putting Alex in the situation.

"So not only were you actively having an affair with a seventeen year old girl but you also admit to killing her father."

"It wasn't like that, it wasn't.....he was going to kill her."

"And you know that for sure?"


"Because I'm assuming she told you."

"No but I saw the bruises....he'd been hitting her for a long time."

"You saw the bruises, when you were having sex?"


"Is it possible that maybe you killed him because he was standing in your way of taking advantage of his daughter?"


"You're sure?

"Yes, I wasn't taking advantage of her."

"How old are you Mr. Reynolds?"


"How old are you?"

"I'm.....twenty eight."

"Eleven years older than the girl you were having sex with and you were her teacher....that could be considered, taking advantage."

The prosecutor turned and went back to his seat, Alex hung his head with a heavy sigh. He was tired of the charade of the trial, there wasn't a point to it and deep down he knew it.

It didn't take long, he was actually surprised how quickly the judge made his decision but he knew the prosecution more than proved their point.

"Last chance, we can call her." The lawyer said, referring to Belle.

"No, I don't want her dragged into this."

"She was there, she could change the decision."


The Judge entered and respectfully everyone rose to their feet, Alex was hyper aware of Belle standing behind him.

"In the case of Alex Reynolds this court finds you....guilty on all counts."

Alex closed his eyes taking a deep breath, Belle, Maggie and his mother all burst into sobs. He turned to glance over his shoulder at Belle. She was sobbing and Jade was trying her best to soothe her.

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