Chapter Twenty Six.

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Jade was worried about Belle, she made this obvious by hovering over her and refusing to let her out of her sight.

Finally three days after Alex was fired Belle decided she had to see him, whatever happened with the principal he'd kept his distance. He hadn't returned her numerous calls or emails.

"I have to see him," She said during lunch.


"Something is wrong I know it. I have to go."

"Alex, is in trouble, serious trouble. I know that you love him but......I don't want you to go down with him." Jade said gently.

"But it's my fault, don't you see that? I'm just as much to blame as he is. I can't leave him now."

"Belle, he may face charges for having affairs with his students. I don't want you tangles up in that."

"Please Jade, please?"

Jade stared at her for a minute almost as determined as Belle was. Then her shoulders slumped and she sighed heavily.

"I'll get my car keys."

"Thank you."

Jade drove her to Alex's house and parked next to a sleek looking limousine and Belle felt her heart drop.

"Who is that?" Jade asked.

"His father, he doesn't approve of me."

"Do you want to go home?"

"No, I have to go in."

Belle didn't know where the small burst of strength came from but she climbed from the car and made her way across the sand and up the stairs.

From the porch she could hear Alex and his father arguing.

"Damn it Alex, these are serious accusations."

"I know that but getting married won't help."

"A marriage give the jury and judge reason to doubt you'd sleep with a student. You and Jessie can sell the happily married couple."

"No, I won't take her down with me."

Taking a deep breath Belle opened the door and timidly stepped inside, Alex was standing near the island separating his kitchen from the living room, his dad stood a few feet closer to her.

Both men turned to look at her and she felt that little bit of strength slip away, Alex didn't look happy to see her.

"I....I was worried about you,"She said softly.

"Go wait upstairs,"he repiled.

She gave him a small smile he didn't return and ducked upstairs, his father watching her every move.

She hurried up the stairs instantly regretting coming here in the first place, Alex obviously wasn't in the mood for company.

She didn't have to wait long before Alex opened the door and stepped inside, he glanced at her with a heavy sigh.

"What are you doing here Belle?"

"I....I...came to see you."

"I'm going on trial for sleeping with a student, you shouldn't be here."

"I just thought maybe you needed some support."

"I know and I appreciate you coming but....I think it's time we had a very real talk."

"I don't like how that sounds," She admitted.

"Belle.....I'm on trial for having an affair with a student, you being here being with complicates things's going to ruin both of our lives."

"No, no, no, Alex...don't..."

"I think it's the best thing for you if.....if we just end this now, right here."

"No, it's not. I can help you, I'll testify I'll tell them that you would never ever..."

"But I did, Belle! I just wasn't with Missy."


"I'm trying to do the right thing here, maybe you can't see that now's what is best for you. I'm in serious trouble and I don't want to drag you down with me."

She bit her lip and had to look away from him, she wiped a stray tear that rolled down her cheek and took a shaky breath.

"Our time is up Belle."


"You need to leave Belle and......don't come back."

"Is that really what you want?" She asked, crying openly.

"It's how it has to be."

She didn't see a reason to fight with him or argue the point, it was obvious to her that he made up his mind. So she gave a small nod, stiffened her chin and walked for the door. She paused for a second turning back to him.

"You promised you weren't going to give me up, you promised you wouldn't let them take me away from you."

"It's for the best," He said softly.

She wanted to scream at him, she wanted to yell and cry and tell him how much he hurt her, that she hated him, that he was weak, that he used her but instead she pushed it all down deep and walked out the door.

She walked down stairs, stopping only to grab the phone and call Jade.


"can you come get me?" Belle asked, her voice holding no emotion.

"Sure, I'll be there."

Belle hung up, her entire body feeling numb. She heard Alex coming down the stairs behind her and pausing just behind her.

"I'll just wait outside," She said.

She walked straight ahead, almost zombie like out onto the porch. Reaching the stairs that lead down to the beach she sat down and waited for Jade. Staring at nothing and still feeling nothing.

Jades crappy car pulled up and Belle stood, forcing herself to walk to the car and not look back at the house. She climbed into the passenger seat staring straight ahead.

"What happened?" Jade asked.

And with that question the tidal wave broke, Belle began to sob as she turned towards her stepmother. Jade took her in her arms letting her sob into her shoulder.

"Oh,'s going to be okay." Jade said softly.

"No, it won't."

"I'm going to get us out of here, okay?" Jade asked, gently pushing Belle away.

"Yeah, get me away from here."

Jade gave a sympathetic nod and backed onto the street, Belle leaned against the window and allowed herself to cry the whole way home.

AuthorNote: If you haven't yet please check out my new book "Stolen Hearts" I just posted the first chapter but it's a story that I'm super excited to tell.

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