Chapter Twenty Three.

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Author Note: I am taking suggestions on who you would like to see as Jade. let me know in the comments.


Alex was standing in his kitchen, sipping a cup of coffee and reading the morning paper when he felt her eyes on him. He turned to see Belle standing a few feet away, still wearing his shirt that he had given her last night after dinner.

"Good Morning," he said.


She took a few steps towards him, cradling her arm against her body. Her bruises looked darker today but he thought she would be fine in a week or two.

"Are you leaving?" She asked.

"I gotta go to work Baby."

"Oh...I should probably get dressed...."

"No, you're not going anywhere," He interrupted.


He placed his empty cup in the sink and walked over to her, gently taking her by the shoulders to cut off her sentence.

"Baby, look at me. You're beautiful, but you're pretty beat up. I know you don't want the other kids to know about what happens at your house and I promise one look at you and they'll know exactly."

She bit her lip and dropped her head to stare at her shoes.

He knew she was embarrassed that he had found out about what her father was doing to her but didn't see a point in telling her that he had suspected it for a while.

"Look, just stay here and rest, Okay?" He asked.

"I should go home......Dad...."

"Don't go home,'re safe here."


"I'll be home after work and....we can talk about what happens next then, but don't go back there."


He cut her off with a quick but gentle kiss, not wanting to hurt her. He kept the kiss gentle, cupping her face in one of his hands until he was sure her protesting had stopped. He pulled away, resting his forehead against hers.


"Oh! I'm sorry!" Jade called from the doorway as she froze when she saw the pair.

"No, it's okay...I was just leaving," He said, pulling away from Belle.

He grabbed his briefcase from the counter top and started for the door pausing next to Belle, he glanced briefly at Jade and she rolled her eyes.

"We're all consenting adu.....well not all adults but....still...."

He chuckled before leaning in and placing a soft, tender kiss on Belles lips. He pulled back and started for the door, pausing beside Jade.

"Just....stay here today, both of you."

"We'll do our best," Jade said.

He gave a small nod and exited the house, Jade waited until he was gone to walk further into the kitchen. Belle couldn't help the blush rising to her cheeks at the fact her step mother had caught her kissing her teacher.

"So....what now?" Belle asked.

"Sweetheart, he's a nice man and what he did was great but.....we have to go back."

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