Chapter Twenty Five.

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Author Note; it came to my attention that some times it says misty instead of misSy I just want to state her name is Missy and anywhere else is just autocorrect. Sometimes I write on my phone or tablet and that's what happens. Sorry about it and I will try and get them all fixed.


He didn't know what to expect come Monday, but he knew Belle would be there and that was enough to keep him from putting brandy in his morning coffee. He got up early and put on his best suit, combing back his hair and hurrying out the door.

He walked into his classroom a little late his first class already waiting for him, he set his briefcase aside, shedding his jacket and rolling up his sleeves, he'd just turned to the chalkboard when the principals voice rang out over the speaker.

"Mr Reynolds, please report to the principals office."

He turned and glanced at his students before shrugging.

"Alright guys turn to chapter ten in your books and start reading, I'll be back soon."

He exited the room and walked down the empty hallways, all the students and teachers tucked into the rooms learning. He found the principals office and stepped inside surprised to find a tall man standing in the left corner, he was wearing a suit and looked angry.

"Alex, take a seat."

"Madison, what's this about?" He asked taking a seat across the desk from her.

" you know I don't make the rules, not really it's just my job to be sure that they are followed. It's my job to make sure that the children are safe and being treated properly."


"It''s come to my attention that there may be....some inappropriate behavior going on, between teachers and students."

He swallowed and tried to keep a calm demeanor, there's no way anybody knew about him and Belle. He decided she must mean Mr. Green and Missy.

"I'm very troubled to think that a teacher is taking advantage of a young student."

"Me too," He agreed.

"Then you understand what I have to do, I have to fire you Alex."


"Yes...the accusations are against you, who else?" She seemed surprised.

"Mr. Green."

"Mr. Green has never been accused of anything, it's you who has been accused of having intimate relations with a student."

"Look....Miss Whitley and I are.....I'm just trying to help her."

"Miss Whitley? I'm referring to Missy."

"Missy?!" He sat up straighter.

"Yes, Missy reported that you have...made inappropriate offers to her to help with her grades and also insinuated that you do so with other students."

"Wait, wait...hold on...I...I've never said or done anything to Missy. That's the problem she's doing this out of jealousy."

"Alex, you're a good teacher but given your past and how you've been performing at school's pretty obvious you're drinking again."

"Madison....I can explain, I'm just under a lot of stress and I..."

"I'm sorry, Alex. Really I am but I have to think of the students, several students and faculty have reported you being at work drunk and hung over and now with Missy coming forward....I have to take action."

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