Chapter Seven.

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Photo is of Belle in her borrowed dress.


The sound of the ocean woke Belle from her deep and dreamless sleep, she couldn't remember the last time she'd slept so well. Usually she tossed and turned in her bed, she'd stay up late doing homework and get up early to make breakfast. She blinked as she slowly came awake and the white ceiling came into focus. At first she was confused as to where she was.

The room was large and open feeling, white ceilings, white carpet and light gray walls. She was in a king sized bed that was overflowing with pillows and blankets, to the left were glass double doors with white curtains, they were open slightly and she could smell as well as hear the ocean and seagulls.

She could hear muffled voices coming from downstairs as she rolled out of the large bed, after he let her into his home last night Alex had led her to this room, handing her a pair of his sisters pink pjs and leaving her alone for the rest of the night.

She timidly opened the door and walked down the lush, carpeted hallway to the stairs as the voices got louder. A female and Alex were talking.

"I think you should ask her."

"No, Maggie. She's a student, do you have any idea the kind of trouble we could both be in just for her being in the house?"

"Nobody will know besides, it's just being polite nothing else."

"I said no."

"Well fine, if you won't invite her as your guest, I'll take her as mine."


He trailed off as his sister started up the stairs and met Belle halfway. She was a petite blonde but she had a friendly smile, she was wearing a black tank-top and gray shorts.

"Hi, I'm Maggie." She said excitedly.

"I'm Belle."

"I know who you are."

Maggie looped her arm through Belles and led her down the stairs into the kitchen where Alex stood by the island drinking his coffee. Belle felt uncomfortable and wasn't sure what to say.

"Good morning," She offered.

"Morning, did you sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you and I'm sorry again for....just showing up."

"Don't mention it, do you drink coffee?"

"No, thank you. I think I'll just head home."

"Oh no Belle! You should come to the wedding with us!" Maggie exclaimed.

"No, I can't. I really shouldn't."

"Of course you can! You can be my guest!" Maggie said happily.

"Oh....I...I have nothing to wear."

"My Pjs fit, I'm sure I have a dress for you."

Belle glanced back at Alex who was drinking his coffee and pretending not to be listening. She'd never been to a wedding before but the thought of just showing up made her uncomfortable.

"Alex wants you to come," Maggie said.

"I don't know....."Belle said.

"Please?!" Maggie begged.

"Well....if Mr. Reynolds says it's okay," Belle said nervously.

"It's totally fine, right Alex?" Maggie asked, turning to her brother.

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