Chapter Six.

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Photo is of Alex.


On any other Saturday Belle would be the first person in her house awake, she'd sneak out just before dawn and walk around town until her dad and stepmother left for work. Once they were gone she'd return home and clean and make sure dinner was prepared before locking herself in her room with her home work.

This morning however she was simply too tired, last night she'd stayed late at the library and Mr. Reynolds had driven her home after tending to wounds she acquired at school. Her knee still hurt and for the first time in as long as she could remember she wanted to sleep in, even if that meant staying at home.

She was sleeping peacefully when her bedroom door swung open and she sat upright in her bed, clutching her blankets to her body. He dad walked in and then paused in the doorway.

"Are you going to lay in bed all day?"

"I fell at school, I'm just a little sore."

"You need to get your bony ass up and make your mother breakfast."

"Stepmother," Belle said under her breath.

"I've about had it with your attitude."

He strode across the room and grabbed her roughly by the arm, jerking her from her bed. Her arm twisted painfully near her shoulder, radiating pain in her back. He let her fall to the floor and she winced as she rolled onto her back.

"Make your mother breakfast then get dressed, she's taking you to work today."

"What do you mean work?" Belle asked.

"I told you months ago, you're going to start earning your keep. You're going to go to work with your mother and learn the ropes."

"No, Dad. I don't want to go there."

"What do you think you're too damn good to take off your clothes? You're going to work and that's final."

He turned and exited the room before she had a chance to protest or say anything. Belle lay there on her floor, hating her father and missing her mother. She heard the clicking of high-heels on the hardwood floor, her stepmother walked into her room.

"Come on Belle, no sense wallowing. Get up," She said.

"Jade, please I'm begging you don't make me go."

"Get up," Jade said before walking away.

No that to fight was pointless Belle pushed up from the floor and got dressed, she pulled on her favorite jeans, wincing at the rough fabric pressing on her sore knee. She pulled on her converse shoes and a black sweater.

When she walked into the kitchen Jade was waiting for her, she was wearing a mini skirt, thigh high boots and a red tanktop. Her blonde hair was pulled into a tight ponytail.

"Let's go," She said to Belle.

Belle didn't speak as she followed Jade downstairs and they climbed into the beat up old pontiac that Jade owned. It was eleven in the morning but was over a two hour drive to Jinxed the strip club where Jade worked.

Belle sat silent in the car, staring out the window and fidgeting with the sleeve of her t-shirt. Jade drove without speaking for awhile before finally addressing Belle.

"Look, it's not all that bad."

"Yes, it is."

"I felt the same way once, but you make good money and it's just your body. They're not allowed to touch you and it's far enough away that nobody you know will ever see you."

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