Chapter 1

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I was aimlessly walking around the concert grounds of Boston, Massachusetts. It was concert seventeen of forty one. And I never wanted it to end, I was having such a blast on this tour.

It was about nine forty-five in the morning, and after being in the scorching heat since the beginning of the tour, I was absolutely loving the cool weather.

My band was out hanging up posters and walking around with signs telling people which stage we were going to perform at and what time. My job for today was to take out all out merchandise and have it ready for later that day. We would alternate jobs everyday to make it fair.

I watched as everyone else set up their tents, tables, chairs and getting boxes and boxes of merchandise open and ready to sell.

No fans were in here yet, so I didn't have to worry about getting stopped every few seconds to sign things and take picture -not that I minded, I actually did love meeting our fans, I'm just awkward. Especially when I don't have the rest of my band mates by my side. And when I get marriage proposals -they're actually 100% serious- I never know how to turn them down nicely - again so awkward.

I had been walking around for awhile now, just looking around, trying to pass by time.

I was going to go back to my bus to escape the rain when a certain tent caught my attention.

It was the Maine's tent!

I had fan girl moment inside. I've been a fan for such a long time, but of course I wouldn't let it show -don't wanna freak them out. Since there were so many bands on this tour, I hadn't been able to meet them yet, which was disappointing, but the tour just started not too long ago, so I wasn't that worried.

I passed by nonchalantly, trying to see if anyone was there. And to my happiness John was -I'm not gonna lie I had a little crush on him.

I swallowed my anxieties and walked over to the table. He was sitting down on a chair, looking through his phone. It seemed he was also done with his job of putting out the merchandise.

"Hi, I'm Victoria." I stated, walking up next to the table.

He looked up from his phone, and stood up quickly when he saw me.

"H-hey." He stuttered a little.

"Can I buy some shirts?" I smiled at him, trying my hardest to act cool -which was really hard, because I really wasn't.

"Uh, yeah, yeah," He looked back at all the shirts that were hung up on the side of the walls tent. "Which one do you want?" He asked me.

"Umm." I hummed. "The English Girls one, both tie dye ones, and the alien one. All size large please." I smiled.

He nodded, taking out the ones I wanted and putting them on the table for me.

I searched my pocket for the money, but he put his hand out to stop me. "It's okay."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Hmm?"

"You don't have to pay for them." He shrugged.

"Of course I do." I said.

He chuckled. "It's okay."

I shook my head and handed him the money. "I support good music and good artists."

He smiled, and chuckled lightly. "Alrighty then." He put the money in a box.

I took the shirts from the table. "Thanks." I smiled and waved goodbye at him, he waved back at me and sat back down.

I couldn't help but smile all the way back to the bus.

I just met my band crush and I played it cool and didn't make a complete fool of myself! I made a little victory dance, but stopped when I heard a cough behind me.

I turned around. "Oh my gosh, you scared me!" I put my hand on my heart, my cheeks turned red from being caught dancing like that.

"Sorry." John smiled and looked down. "I was wondering if you wanted to, uh, maybe, have some drinks with us later tonight?" He rubbed the back of his neck. "We usually go out to a bar after every show is done to celebrate."

My heart started racing, I don't think I could possibly act cool if I meet the rest of the band and hang out with them.

"Is it okay if my band comes?" I asked awkwardly. "They would probably kill me if I went out drinking without them."

He smiled brightly and chuckled. "Of course!"

I smiled. "Okay then!"

"So we usually go out at nine, we can meet at your bus if you want." He nodded over to my bus.

"Sounds good." I smiled happily.

"Good." He nodded. "I'll uh, see you later then." He waved a goodbye and left.


Any Maine fans here?!

Tour Love ( John O'Callaghan/The Maine )Where stories live. Discover now