Chapter 6

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<John's POV>

I couldn't help but sneak glances at Victoria while we watched the movie. She was just so interesting. She was different from other girls, and I liked that.... and she's pretty.

I noticed that she was fighting really hard to not go to sleep, which made me smile. I went back to watching the movie, so she wouldn't notice that I've been staring at her like a creep. After a few minuets, I stole another glance and noticed that she was sleeping.

I chuckled and smiled. Before my brain caught up with what I was doing, I had wrapped my arm around her, and brought her closer to my chest. When I realized what I had done, I checked to see if she was really asleep, and thankfully she was.

I was going to unwrap my arms around her, but she snuggled up to me, and held onto my shirt. I chuckled, and kept my arms around her. I decided to watch the rest of the movie -I couldn't really go to sleep when she was so close.

An hour later, and the movie was done. I was very surprised she hadn't moved an inch -she must've been really tired.

I checked the time, and noticed it was one in the morning.

I looked back at her. I should take her back to her bus, I thought to myself. As much as
I did't mind her sleeping here, she might.

I carefully unwrapped my arms from her, and got out of my bunk -thankfully, I wasn't the one who got in first, or else I wouldn't have been able to get out without waking her up.

I carefully got her into my arms bridal style. She snuggled up to my chest, and not once did she open her eyes. I chuckled, she's such a heavy sleeper.

At that moment, I was very thankful that the guys weren't here. They would've never let any of this go.

I walked her back to her bus. And I'd be lying if I said, I didn't purposely walk slower so I could keep holding her.

Wow John, that sounded so creepy.

I guess I walked too slow, when I saw her band walking into the bus -or, more like stumbling into the bus.

"Um, hey Noah." I said awkwardly. I wasn't sure how happy they would be, that I had their sleeping friend in my arms at one in the morning

"Hey." He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at Victoria. "Uh, what's up?"

"Um, she fell asleep." I said.

"I see that." He laughed. "I'll take her in."

"No." I said a little too quickly. His eyebrow shot up and he smirked. "I-I'll do it."

"Okay." He said, still smirking.

I internally groaned, I'm so obvious.

I could smell the liquor on him, but he wasn't drunk. I wish he was though, I'm sure he'll never let this down either.

He let me go in first, and told me which one was her bunk. He then sat down on the couch, taking out his phone. He still had a huge smirk smacking on his face, making me wish I didn't have such a huge mouth.

The rest of her band members seemed to be already in their own bunks, probably drunk out of their minds. I automatically assumed
that he must've been the one in charge of them today, since he was pretty sober.

I carefully put her on the bunk, and covered her with a blanket. I brushed some of her hair that had fallen, out of her face, and watched with a smile on my face, as she grabbed a stuffed bear she had, and cuddled with it.

Tour Love ( John O'Callaghan/The Maine )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant