Chapter 2

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<John's POV>

"What happened with you?" Pat asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You're smiling like a lunatic." Pat said. "It's scaring me."

"I am?" I didn't even know I was smiling.

"Yeah, what happened?" Kennedy asked.

"Nothing." I shrugged. After a few minutes of staring at nothing, I remembered the events of earlier today.

"By the way I met Victoria from The Rocketeers today and I asked her if they wanted to have a drink with us later. She said yes." I told the guys.

Garrett snorted. "So that's why you're happy."

"She's really pretty." Pat smiled. "I've been wanting to meet them."

"And by 'wanting to meet them' you mean her." Jared laughed.

"W-what? No." Pat said, his shyness taking over.

"We haven't watched them yet, do you wanna go see them?" Kennedy asked.

"Okay." I said, quickly getting up, followed by Pat.

"Someone's eager." Jared laughed again, but I ignored them.

<Victoria's POV>

I ended up wearing one of the tie dye shirts I bought from The Miane, -it was quite big on me but that's how I liked it- with black ripped skinny jeans and black high top converse, for our set. We played at 4:30, one full hour of our music and it was packed.

"Hey, Pennsylvania!" I said into the microphone. The crowed roared with screams, making me smile. "We're The Rocketeers."

"Which you probably may have already guessed that by the huge ass sign behind us." David my guitarist sassed, making the crowed laugh.

I smiled. "Whatever." I stuck my tongue out at him, making the crowed laugh even more.

The Rocketeers: made up of, David Daniels main guitarist, Jay Jennings bassist, Noah West drummer, and me, Victoria Osborne main vocalist and guitarist.

We've all known each other since we were five, and now we're all twenty-two, even though we don't act like it.

Much to our parents dismay, instead of us going to college we formed our band when we left high school. We all had enrolled into different colleges and right into the first semester we all dropped out, deciding the studying life was not for us -at all. Thus us making a band.

It was tough for us, especially when we had no family or friend support whatsoever. They all thought we were throwing our lives away and would amount to nothing -but, we didn't listen, and thank God for that, or we wouldn't be where we are today.

Now, it wasn't all smooth sailing, but I'm glad we stuck it out, because I absolutely love what we do, and I wouldn't see myself doing anything else.

"Who's ready rock?!" I shouted to the crowed, making them go insane. I smiled widely, I loved my job. "This is Mad Love!"


"That's was insane!" I jumped up and down like a little kid, once we were backstage. I always got such an adrenaline rush when we performed.

"Geez Tori, how do you always have so much energy?" Noah groaned. "It's annoying."

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