Chapter 13

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"Hey guys!" I said to the crowed. "How's it going? Are you guys having fun yet?" The crowed went nuts, making my smile widen even more -which I didn't think it was possible.

"Do you guys know Twenty One Pilots?" I asked, my smile fell into a smirk when I heard everyone going crazy.

"Well, there's this song that's been stuck in my head for days now, and I was hoping I could sing it for you. How does that sound?" I was answered with shouts and screams of agreement.

I looked around the empty stage, the guys were in the back drinking water and changing/tuning their instruments, leaving me alone on the stage. I didn't mind being alone, as long as it was in front of fans and I got to sing for them. I, however, did not like being left at social gatherings when I didn't know anyone. That's the worst. Social anxiety comes knocking on the door.

A worker went up to me and handed me a ukulele.

"Now bare with me, I'm no Tyler!" I put my hand up in surrender, making the crowed laugh.

"She asked me son when I grow old..."


I was amazed that I actually got through the whole set.

The whole time I thought I was going to hurl the food I had previously eaten that morning.

I still sang and moved like I normally do, but just a tiny bit toned down. I didn't wanna throw up on anyone.

"Hey, Tori, do you guys wanna go and get a drink with us later?" John asked me, when we were done with our set.

I gave him a small smile, "Unfortunately, I'm not feeling that good, so I'm just gonna stay in tonight, but I'm sure the guys would love to."

He furrowed his eyebrows in concern. "What's wrong?"

"Just an upset stomach, nothing bad." I reassured him. "But you boys have fun, okay?"

"Uhh, yeah, okay." He said, his mood dropping a little.

"Um, are you going to your bus right now?" He asked me, running his long fingers through his hair.

I nodded.

"I'll walk you then." He smiled.

"You don't have to!" I told him. I didn't want him to go out of his way for me. But, I still couldn't help the smile growing on my face. He was so sweet. "I'm fine."

"I want to."

After walking in a comfortable silence for a few minuets, I asked him when they were playing.

"Six? I think?" He laughed, "I should really check the schedule."

"Yeah, you should." I chuckled.

"Oh, by the way, good job playing ukulele." He praised. "I didn't know you played it."

"Thanks." I blushed, "I actually taught myself how to play it a few years back. First song I learned was House Of Gold by Twenty One Pilots."

"Nice." He nodded his head. "Wanna teach me sometime? I've always wanted to learn."

"I'd love to." I smiled.

His eyes lit up, "Really?"

"Of course!"

A few silent seconds passed by, and John, stopped walking, making me stop in confusion. He looked at me with concern, and placed his large hand on my forehead.

Tour Love ( John O'Callaghan/The Maine )Where stories live. Discover now