Chapter 15

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"Want some ice cream?" John asked me, as we saw an ice cream parlor.

"Ooh yes." I cooed. If there's one thing I liked the most it's ice cream.

We walked hand and hand, and I honestly couldn't be happier -I could get used to this. But of course, my mind kept asking questions. What were we? He never asked me to be his girlfriend. Are we friends with benefits? Even though we're not actually having sex? Hell, are we even friends?

"What flavor do you want?" He asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts.


He ordered it and payed -much to my arguing, telling him I could pay for mine, but he wouldn't have it.

We walked around with our ice creams in our hands. It was nice day, the sun was setting, and there was a slight breeze tickling our skin. I loved it.

We found a park, and decided to sit down and finish our ice cream. I watched with a smile on my face, everyone playing and enjoying life. Nostalgia hit me right in the stomach, as I remembered when I used to play around with my cousins when we were younger. Boy, did I miss that.

We were all done and threw away our trash, we were about to leave when a little boy came rushing towards me. He was only about four or five I guessed. He looked at me with glassy eyes. His lips were set in a pout and his nose was red. I could tell he was ready to burst out crying any minute. I bent down on my knees so I could see him better.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly. "Do you want me to take you to your mommy or daddy?"

Tears started pouring out of his eyes and he lifted his fist to me.

"What's wrong? Did you hurt yourself?" I grabbed his hand with one of my own, and with my other free hand, I wiped his tears. He nodded and pushed his fist closer to me.

I inspected it; thankfully, I didn't see any scraped or bruises. But, he kept pushing his fist closer to my face. I wasn't sure why he kept doing that... Until it clicked. I gave him a reassuring smile, and brought his hand up to my lips and kissed it.

"All better?" I asked. He nodded, All traces of hurt were erased, as a large smile erupted on his face.

"Should I take you to your mommy or daddy?" I asked him.

"Yes!" He jumped, and stretched his arms out in front of me. I picked him up with ease, securing him in my arms. He wrapped his short chubby little arms around my neck, and rested his head on my shoulder.

I looked over at John, he had a large smile on his face.

"What?" I asked him, wondering why he was looking at us like that.

He shook his head, "Lets go look for his parents."

To say it was a big park, was an understatement.

This park was gigantic!

We had been walking for a good forty minutes, and we still hadn't found his parents. All I saw were young teens and children. No worried parents, looking for their lost child.

I was getting very anxious, and if it weren't for John, I would've had a full blown anxiety attack. So many questions were buzzing around in my head. What if we can't find his parents? Did they lose him? Or did they leave him here on purpose? Where do we take the poor kid? The police station? If so, how could we just leave him there by himself?

"I think we should talk to that security guard over there." John said, pointing over to where an older guy in a uniform stood, watching everyone.

Tour Love ( John O'Callaghan/The Maine )Where stories live. Discover now