Chapter 10

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<John's POV>

"Joooooooooohhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnn." She sang, throwing her hands up in the air, once we go on her bus.

"Tori, you should go to sleep." I told her, making sure she wouldn't tip over and fall.

"Nahhh," She laughed. "Lets have some fun!!!"

She started taking off her thin sweater she had on, and proceeded to take off her shirt, when I stopped her.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." I said, grabbing her hands to stop her. "What are you doing?"

"Changing to something more comfortable." She told me, like it was the most obvious thing ever.  "Duh."

She proceeded to swat my hands away from her, and take off her shirt, flinging it to the ground.

"Uh, okay." I covered my eyes with my hands, before I would see anything.

"What's wronnnggg?" She whined, grabbing my hands, trying to pry them away from my face, but I kept my hold.

"Y-you should p-put a shirt on." I said nervously.

Pretend she your sister, pretend she's your sister, pretend she's your sister... I chanted over and over.

I heard her struggle multiple times, falling on the floor, and such. But I didn't want to see her half naked when she's totally out of it.

"You can look now." She giggled.

Unsurely, I slowly removed my hand away from my face. Thankfully, she was already dressed, and was laying on the floor.

"What are you doing?" I asked her, squatting down next to her.

"Everything's spinning." She complained, shutting her eyes.

I didn't answer, instead I just lifted her up from the floor with ease.

Her eyes shot open, and she quickly grabbed my shirt shirt.

"L-let me d-down." She stuttered nervously.

"Relax," I smiled. "I won't drop you."

"I'm not a-afraid of f-falling." She said. "I'm h-heavy."

I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion. She wasn't heavy at all. She was light as feather.

"No, you're not."

"I am." She said stubbornly. "Please let me down."

"You're not heavy." I insisted, keeping her in my hold. "I'm just gonna take you to your bunk."

I ignored all of her complaints, for I knew, if I let her walk by herself, she'd just fall down again.

"Which ones yours?" I asked, looking at all of the bunks.

"Thaaaaat one!!" She pointed excitedly to the middle bunk, seemingly forgetting our little argument.

I put her inside carefully, not wanting her to get hurt. I was about to leave, and let her rest, when she caught my arm.

"Where are you going?" She pouted.

"I was gonna stay out here until you felt better." I smiled. Without thinking, I removed some of her hair that had fallen over her face, to the side, so I could see her beautiful brown eyes.

"Stay in heeeeeerreeee." She dragged on the word. She scooted to the back of the bunk, and patted the empty space.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

She nodded happily.

Once I was sure, that she really did want me to get in her bunk, I got in. Once we both got settled in, she abruptly asks, "Wanna watch a movie?" Clapping her hands together in excitement.

"Sure." I chuckled at her behavior.

"I'll go get one!" She said.

"Wait, let me get ou-" I didn't get to finish my sentence, when she was already climbing over me.

She then stopped halfway. Both of her arms on either side of my face,practically laying on my body.

"You have beautiful eyes, johnnnny." She giggled, staring into my eyes.

"T-thank y-you." I stuttered, holding onto her hips to keep her from falling out of the bunk.

Pretend she's your sister, pretend she's your sister, pretend she's your sister-

She then put a hand on my chest. "Why is your heart beating so fast?" She asked me worriedly. "Are you handing a heart attack?!" She exclaimed.

"No." I could feel my face burning up, but I still managed to laugh.

She furrowed her eyes in confusion. "Is that how a heart is supposed to beat?"


"Here, check mine." She grabbed one of my hands and placed it on her chest. I realized that she had put my hand directly on top of her braless boob, I quickly went to pull it away, but she held it in place.

She looked at me worriedly. "Is it beating?"

"Y-yes, I-it's b-b-beating." I tried to pull away again, but she had a surprisingly strong hold.

Pretend she's your sister, pretend she's your sister, pretend she's your sister...

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." I said, finally pulling away once she loosened her grip.

She fell back to the side in a giggling mess, while I laid there in shock and very uncomfortable, since Little John decided to make a visit... again.

This girl does things to me.


"V-Victoria?" I managed to say.

"I'm sleeeeeepy." She snuggled up against me, putting her arm around my waist. "Close the curtain, it's too brighhhhhhhhtt!" She sang.

I did what was told, and closed it, leaving us in the dark. She instantly fell asleep, making me chuckle at how fast she goes to sleep.

I stayed there staring at the ceiling, thinking of things that turned me off, begging for Little John to go away.

I figured I'd stay and wait a few minutes, then go sit outside and wait for the guys to come back. But, somewhere along the lines, my eyes began to droop, and the darkness swallowed me whole.


Have you guys heard Bad Behavior yet? 😍 I love it

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