Chapter 8

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<John's POV>

After I heard a few of The Rocketeers songs, I went to go find my band. We had already done our set, and we had the whole day to do whatever we wanted.

I honesty didn't feel like doing anything, but maybe sleep, or write some songs for our next album.

Kennedy wanted to go see some bands, and wanted us all to go with him. I reluctantly agreed.

We were walking in the back, where all the bands go, discussing what band we should go watch. But, I really wasn't paying attention, my mind was somewhere else.

As they talked, I looked around the tour grounds. Only a few bands and workers were walking around. Everyone else was either performing, resting or watching bands.

After a few more minutes of following the guys, I noticed a familiar group of people a few feet away from us.

I smiled when she waved at us, and we returned the action. However, my smile faltered when we got closer. I noticed as we got closer, that she didn't look too good. Her face was drained of color and she looked pretty out of it. She suddenly stopped walking and put her hand on her head, making me frown. What was wrong?

I walked faster towards her, worried that something was wrong.

"Tori?" Noah, asked worriedly. "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm f-fine." She struggled to say.

"You're not fine." Jay added. All three of them looked at her in worry.

"Y-yes I a-am-" She didn't finish her sentence when she lost her balance, and fell to the floor.

"E-everything is s-spinning." She sputtered, grabbing her head with her hands.

"We should take her to the hospital." I suggested, going down to the floor next to her.

"No!" She exclaimed. "No h-hospitals." She argued. "I'm feeling better. D-don't worry."

I watched as she took a deep breath, and tried to stand up, but couldn't. Her knees buckled once again, but this time I caught her, so she didn't fall in the floor.

"Victoria?" My eyes widened, when I felt her lifeless body in my arms. She was no longer conscious. "Call 911!"


We ended up going to the hospital.

Much to my surprise, Noah, let me ride with them in an ambulance. They told the rest of the guys to stay, and have fun. They'd call them once we knew what was wrong.

We'd been in the hospital for quite some time.  They were running a whole bunch of tests, and she still hadn't woken up.

The guys went outside to talk to her family and tell them what had happened, leaving me alone with her.

I stared at her for awhile, just taking everything that happened. My mind not letting me rest from all the worried thoughts, circling around.

She may have been sleeping, but I noticed that she definitely was not at peace. Making me curious as to what she was dreaming about.

After a few short minuets, her eyes fluttered open.

I smiled at her, thankful that she had woken up. But my smile quickly vanished, when I noticed her freaking out. I checked the monitor and noticed her heart beat was increasing quite a bit.

Tour Love ( John O'Callaghan/The Maine )Where stories live. Discover now