Chapter Seven: Morid

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A few hours of sleep was all that Tezaro had allowed himself in the past couple of nights. He began stirring long before the sun broke the dawn with its blistering radiance. The need to find the city of Morid and be out of the desert drove him restless.

He sat at the entrance of the cave looking out into the early dawn. The borders of Armindia were close, and within them laid the answers to his brother's murder.

Tezaro squeezed his eyes tightly shut and pinched the bridge of his nose. It had been almost two years since his murder. The family resemblance had been strong between them, and only became stronger as Larn grew. He had not been happy at who had been chosen to be Larn's mentor, Sir Burldof. He was a formidable knight and his skill was far above many, Tezaro easily conceded that much.

However, many agreed Burldof was an obnoxious man with a temper as quick as his blade. After his defeat in the final tournament for Protector by Tezaro, Burldof was quick to voice his discontent with his new page.

There was no doubt in his mind that Larn would have been a skillful and devoted knight of Armindia. One stupid argument had ended his life. Tezaro's blood boiled in anger.

He hadn't believed his brother's warning, and because of him he was dead. Since then Tezaro's only focus had been to avenge his brother. Two years of hunting and searching for any clues that would lead him to his brother's killer and still nothing.

In moments of solitude like this one, his wandering mind plagued him with a guilt that poisoned his soul. Tezaro's gaze fell on Aurora. Her existence complicated everything. She made him feel and think of possibilities he rather not entertain. He was certain the fates were mocking him. Abruptly, he stood and readied himself for their journey.

When done, he kneeled by Aurora's sleeping figure. Tezaro placed his hand on her shoulder and nudged her awake. "Aurora. Aurora, wake up." With a start, she awoke and skirted away. "Easy, it's okay. Remember? We seem to be repeating this pattern." He half smiled.

"Come on, get up. If we get going now we may reach Morid sometime after noon." He reached out his hands and helped her up.

Standing, Aurora dusted off her clothes, handed him his overcoat and self-consciously began to run her fingers through her hair. In an act that Tezaro thought comical, Aurora repeatedly patted her body, looked down her blouse then searched the ground by her feet.

"Looking for something?"

"What? Ah, no. Nope, nothing at all. I guess I must have dreamt it." She offered him a weak smile.

"I'll give you a moment to ready yourself." Tezaro left the cave and waited patiently until she came out.

The early morning sun greeted them in shimmering streaks of reds as they began their descend. "Come on, let's go." Tezaro took the lead and helped Aurora climb down. After a considerable distance of walking Tezaro asked, "How are you so close to Lily?"

He heard her sigh and saw a visible slump in her shoulders. "When my mother died I was placed with foster parents where I met Lily. She was a foster kid too. Lily lost her father when she was younger."

Aurora shrugged her shoulders. "We just hit it off. Now we share more than an apartment; we share our lives. She's the closest thing I have to a real family." Tezaro nodded in silence.

"Tez," she placed her hand on his arm, "why am I so important?"

A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, "Tez?" No one addressed him so informally.

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