Chapter Thirty-Seven: Torn Apart

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The Sorceress Mimika stood on top of a high wall battlement glaring at her target as flickers of flames sparked from her palms. She summoned one, two, and then three phoenixes made of dancing fire circling before her. They chased each other around until one consumed the other two and shot down into the courtyard seeking its target.

Confused with the sudden image that assaulted her sight, Lily tried to focus but was caught off guard completely when Nim shoved her to the ground out of the way. Lily cried out in shock.

Aurora turned at hearing her shriek and saw Lily scrambling on the ground. Distracted she released her shields and rushed to Lily, unaware of the phoenix fire being hurled at them.

Amongst his swings with his burning sword, Tezaro spotted Aurora crouched besides Lily. A loud shriek pierced the air. Mimika launched the phoenix.

Hurling a guard out of his way, Tezaro slammed on top of Aurora, crushing her and Lily back to the ground. Nim stood before Lily and took the full blast. A sizzling explosion of heat and light stunted the fighting.



"NIIIMMM!" Lucas's ear splitting shout rebounded throughout the courtyard walls.

Eri was the first to recover. Slicing through the three remaining guards, she turned to Tezaro for guidance.

Master Owen reappeared from the entrance, having cleared the pathway out. He saw Nim's immolated body and his eyes darted up, recognizing Mimika. Reflex and training took over. He unleashed a series of white fiery bolts of lightning that crackled and flashed through the air.

Mimika had not noticed the mage among them, and had little time to cast a proper shield. The flimsy barrier conjured was not strong enough to absorb all of the energy from the bolt. She was knocked down against the wall. Disorientated.

Lucas rushed to Nim, but there was nothing he could do. The fire had rapidly consumed him, leaving only ashes behind. He turned to the others on the ground; saw Tezaro lifting Aurora, and Lily crying out for Nim. His jaw set, he squatted besides Lily. "He's gone. Take my hand." He reached out to her, ignoring Aurora's protest.

When Lily felt Lucas's hand envelope hers she jolted in sharp focus. Turning her head to face him, she stood, "I know you." His nod was immeasurable.

Eri's disks flew at two more guards approaching. "We cannot stay any longer."

They dashed out after Master Owen and Eri, sprinting through the gate and past the dirt mounds and ruins. Now that Lucas could no longer shoot off arrows at the guards, they ran at greater speed through the grounds thankful of the darkness that concealed their progress into the wilderness.

Shaking off the impact of the blast, Mimika rose with cold vengeance. She quickly crossed the battlement and looked unto the courtyard. They were escaping through the western entrance.

"Guards!" she growled then ran down the battlement to the western wall. A couple of shadowed figures sprinted into the woods. A guard leaned over the wall besides her.

"Sorceress, they're escaping!"

She turned on the guard and, as unpredictable as lightening, she struck. The body twitched, fell to the floor and smoked. "Idiot." She sneered.

"I'll send several units after them, Sorceress." Another volunteered.

"No wait, Captain." The slippery wheels in her head were already turning. This was to her advantage, she concluded. When the horns had blasted the alarms she had already predicted a prisoner escape.

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