Chapter Forty-Five: A Quiet Dinner

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A whirl of events began the moment Prince Valdor left. Mauvis entered the room with the air of a drill sergeant and quickly divided the group with their own servants to be bathed and dressed in traditional elvin custom before being allowed to roam in the guest quarters.

All the while Aurora's head spun trying to grasp that Lucas was actually Valdor and a prince. She was friends with a prince and was going to dine with another! Nerves filled her stomach so fully that when the noon meal arrived she barely took a bite.

When Mauvis returned to Aurora's chamber she took her to a set of tall double doors that were carved a watery scene with a lonely tower. "Prince Valdor regrets not being able to be here, but hopes that you find joy inside." With a slight nod, Mauvis turned down the hall and left Aurora staring at the closed doors.

Gathering her courage, Aurora passed through the doors, uncertain of what she would find. An elvin maiden sat facing the garden waterfalls with her back to Aurora. As she approached her heart swelled with excitement and a smile stretched her face wide as she recognized Lily.

Lifting the soft, light fabric of the simple pale blue gown she was made to wear, Aurora sprinted to her. Then she stopped once again, just short of reaching Lily, remembering her affliction with touch. "Lily, it's Aurora. Can I hug you?"

"I'd like nothing more." Lily responded with open arms.

By the time their eyes were dry, they had shared their separate journeys as each comforted the other.

"I can't believe you're going to be part of an elvin royal family. Who would have thought, Lucas, er, Valdor could be so responsible? I guess Nim was very special to him." Aurora looked out to the garden biting her lip and lost in thought.

"What are your plans now, Ro?"

"I don't know. I don't know what happens next. I just wanted to find you that nothing else mattered."

Lily beamed at her. "Well, here I am. You found me. Now what are we going to do?"

Suddenly, Aurora kneeled besides Lily and squeezed her hands tight, hoping that Lily would use her magic and see her desperation. "I want to go home back to our world where everything is normal. I don't care about the magic. I just want to go home. Let's go home, Lily."

Shock froze Lily. Sight infused her senses and she stared at Aurora's wide eyes as they pleaded with her. "How? We can't go back."

"Yes we can. I'm sure Master Owen can open a Crossing for us."

"Ro, we can't. Listen to yourself talking about 'normal'. You've never been normal. You need answers that can only be found in Armindia and I must stay here if I am to heal. We have a chance here of being 'normal' and accepted. Especially you. Aren't you curious?"

But Aurora shook her head violently. "I'm frightened Lily. I'm scared of what happens next. I'm scared of what I'll learn from Anthonias. I'm scared of being the answer to a prophecy I care nothing about. And I'm scared of going on without you."

"It's time to let go, Ro. It doesn't mean I won't be there when you need me. Our paths are meant to be apart for now. It's time you realize you can do things without me. I'm only a crutch. Besides, I've never known you to be scared only stubborn. Life is not about simple choices or predictable.

"I need to regain my sight, and you must learn how to use your powers fully. My place is here, and Armindia is where you need to go. You've always wondered why you have magic within you; this is your chance to find out. Up until now all you've ever been able to do is cast shields, so think about how much more you can learn from Master Owen. There are answers in Armindia, to questions you have not even asked, I'm sure. Then again, when you leave you won't be alone, will you? What about Tezaro?"

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