Chapter Forty-Seven: Trust

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Seagulls squawked overhead, gliding in the cool salty breeze while the masts of ships bobbled as if attempting to spear them. Finding the Armindian ship with its prominent blue striped sails had been simple. Getting the captain to leave with a light cargo was not. It had taken a larger sum than anticipated to add any sense of urgency to his departure.

"You are fortunate the cargo on this trip is light. With this wind on our backs, we are sure to make port in record time." With hawk eyes, Captain Wingspear of The Siren inspected the shipment boxes one by one as they passed the galley way completely ignoring Tezaro and Eri.

Wingspear had sun-weathered skin and a broad physique that came from decades of sailing. He may have been forty or eighty for all the cracks that lined his face. "Of course, there is still the matter of payment." He stopped and his black eyes narrowed at them.

Eri produced a pouch and tossed it at the rusted haired captain who easily caught it. "Here is half of what you asked for. You'll get the rest once we arrive. When do we leave?"

The captain opened the pouch and meticulously inspected the contents before answering. "We set sail at noon. With or without you." Tezaro nodded and Captain Wingspear returned to inspecting his cargo.

Eri led the way down the dock noting  how few foreign ships occupied the marina. "When do I get Owen's money back?"

"When we reach Crown Guard you can take it up with Anthonias." Tezaro winked at her.

A string of curses flew out of Eri's mouth. "Well, at least we'll finally be gone from Lathimnar. The last two days have been grating on my nerves. It's a shame we had to sell our mounts for this passage, though."

"It is well worth it if you ask me. My only complaint is that they only arrived yesterday and not sooner." Without their mounts to barter, they had been at a standstill to board The Siren. "Regardless, let's hurry to get the others and leave. I fear Captain Wingspear is man of his word." As soon as they left the docks, they raised their hoods and blended into the crowds as they headed to the palace.

When the time came, Lily and Valdor accompanied them to the docks to say their farewells. The three companions boarded the ship while Aurora remained on the dock hugging Lily tightly.

"Master Owen has promised me that he will take care of you. Stay close to him."

"I will. I wish you could come with us."

"I'll be with you just as soon as I can. Promise."

Reluctantly they released each other, as Aurora turned to Valdor. "You were the first friend I made here. I don't know what I would have done without you."

He took her hands in his and kissed each one in turn. "Probably accosted some other fellow to get you as far away as possible from your guard." They laughed together as he gave her a roguish grin. Unexpectedly his face turned serious walked her a few steps away.

"Aurora, there is something I want you to know. Something, that I'm afraid I've done a very poor job at hiding, but I need you to know."

With deliberate slowness he lowered his lips to hers, giving her plenty of time to stop him. She did not. There was no rush or demand to his kiss. With expert skill he drew her closer, sealing the space between them while deepening the kiss.

As Valdor had reached for Aurora, Tezaro and Eri emerged from below deck in search of her. Eri took a firm grip of Tezaro's arm fearing what he may do.

For his part, it took more of his self-control than Valdor cared to admit to bring their kiss to a stop. With a shaky breath, he released her. "Until we meet again, pretty one."

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