Chapter Eighteen: The Silent Circle

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A/N: This chapter is portrayed through multiple shifting povs.

It was an excruciating struggle to climb.

The rough bark peeled back the thin layer of cloth that protected her. She felt the deep intake of oxygen in her chest, felt the frantic beating of her heart--- but heard none of it. Ignoring Lucas's words, she began hastily climbing down, almost falling in her rushed efforts. The broken bark bit into her exposed skin, though she hardly took notice now.

Her downward track was hindered by her constant glances to Lucas and Tezaro, hoping she'd reach them in time. The ground grew closer, but not fast enough. In desperation, she released the branch and fell the last few remaining feet.

A thud and crunching of leaves should have sounded along with her abrupt landing, but none accompanied it. All was silent. She pushed away the cruel sting in her palms from her thoughts and gathered her breath to run.

Lucas was forced back by Tezaro's merciless onslaught of strikes. There was a tingle of nerves vibrating with exhaustion throughout his arms.

If I had my arrows this would be going differently. Dodging to the left, Lucas blocked a swipe across his chest. When this is over, I'm going to have a long visit with a weapons Master.

He ducked and leapt back to avoid a gut-slashing swipe. Okay. Make that a few long visits. With a wide arc he swept the blade up in defense again.

Tezaro's sword seemed to be everywhere at once. What must he be like if he dual wield? Lucas jumped and ducked again, barely blocking the strike. Better not think about that now.

Both stared at each other intensely, a blink of the eyes was a momentary blindness that could be fatal where sound normally warned. Tezaro maneuvered the elf to the far edge of the clearing where Eri was waiting to prevent any form of escape. The elf moves fast, Tezaro conceded, but he grows tired. His sword swept wide, eager for first blood, the time for studying his opponent was past.

Without the loud clanking of metal and the grunting and groaning from force driven blows, they could not rely on their sense of hearing to predict the next direction of an attack. They felt, rather than saw, the first few sprinkles of light rain. Focused on the battle at hand, no one spotted, let alone heard, Aurora in the distance rushing to them.

In a twisting move that Tezaro had anticipated from Lucas, he stepped wide and forward, slicing the air and what would have been Lucas neck had it not been for a slip that brought Lucas's left knee down.

Aurora instinctively screamed. But all the air in her lungs could not produce even the slightest murmur to draw their attention.

She ran madly to them, ready to throw herself between them. Repeatedly she mouthed frantically at Tezaro to stop. However, all she saw was his back, unflinching, and ready to finish his weakened opponent. Still at a run, she reached with her outstretched bloodied hands to protect Lucas with her powers.

Why isn't it working? Ugh! She channeled her last bit of strength and ran faster to Tezaro as he began to lift his sword. He would surely strike true now.

The hair on back of Lucas's neck stood, and not because of Tezaro's near hit. There was something different in the air, something that shouldn't be.

Magic. Magic? Very faint, barely a pulse. Lucas's glance shifted briefly to the mage. Did I misjudge him? Is the mage powerful enough to wield magic in the one place known to be dead? But the widened eyes, and shocked expression revealed him. He feels it too. It was not the mage. 

Following the mage's gaze, he saw Aurora running wildly, her forehead wrinkled with some unknown effort. His expression became a perfect replica of the mage's.

Tezaro saw the flickering glance between the elf and Owen. He was certain another attacker would be on him soon. However, before he could raise his sword any higher, a body with a long brown braid crashed into him, shifting his balance. On instinct, his arm snaked out to shove the aggressor from him.

He looked down at the nuisance and stared right into honey colored eyes that pleaded with him. Aurora shook her head at him as he discerned the one word she kept mouthing. His arm around her, he gave a curt nod and moved her behind him protectively. He may have understood Aurora's plea to spare the elf and he had granted it, but he still didn't trust him.

His sword remained raised as his body shielded Aurora. The elf dropped his sword and slowly raised his hands in defeat. Lucas shifted slightly to the left to reassure Aurora, but Tezaro moved quickly to block, having interpreted the move as a threat.

Aurora tried to peek out from behind Tezaro, but to her dismay, she found it only possible to catch a quick glimpse of Lucas's feet shuffling to stand. Eri and Owen guided Tezaro's mount by the reins, and approached the trio.

Eri relieved Lucas of his bow while Owen produced a short rope and began tying Lucas's hands behind him. Afterward, Owen began to lead the way out. Eri meanwhile eyed the elf with menacing stares, almost inviting the elf to act so that she could unleash her fury.

Tezaro sheathed his own sword before lowering briefly to claim the fallen sword, never releasing Aurora for more than what was necessary.

Through it all, Lucas remained calm, only staring with a bored expression out into the giant trees around them. Tezaro placed Aurora behind Owen as he walked between her and the elf. Eri held the rear smiling broadly at Tezaro after taking the sword from him as he passed by. She would enjoy killing the elf if he tried to escape.

Eri's blades reflected a dull light as the clouds moved in overhead and gently began a slow drizzle. Within the cover of the trees the light drops rarely made it past the first layers of leaves and branches. After a few moments of walking, the first murmurings of sound began to break the silence. It was as if a dial was being turned and the volume increased accordingly.

Aurora walked with her head down, a myriad of emotions struggling within her that she could not control. At the head were guilt and embarrassment that she had caused so much trouble for Lucas and Tezaro. Shame: that she'd almost gotten Lucas killed. Frustration: that she had not been able to help him. Then sadness followed by confusion for the unexpected loss of her powers.

And at the very last an emotion she tried to bury deep--- joy. Inexplicable joy that Tezaro had come for her. Except that just sent her back to shame for a whole other reason.

She was lost in these thoughts, when Lucas decided to clear his throat loudly and break their silence. "Aurora, are you okay?" He tried to peer over Tezaro's shoulder and was met by his snarling face.

Barely above the whispers of the forest Aurora answered, "I'm fine, Lucas." Though she did not raise her head, she simply sighed.

Lucas lowered his gaze and landed squarely on Tezaro's hand on the small of her back rushing her onward. "Perhaps you shouldn't manhandle her." His voice carried a quiet edge, oblivious to his current state as prisoner.

Tezaro abruptly stopped and spun, dagger pointed at Lucas's throat. "Watch your tongue. I only spared your life because of her."

Lucas's eyes narrowed as he watched Tezaro return the dagger to its place, the same dagger he had admired before. Still, Lucas would not be dissuaded from speaking his mind. "You are aware that Aurora has a pressing engagement. We do not want to keep him waiting, now, do we?"

This time Tezaro turned smiling, revealing to Lucas his crest. Lucas's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets in shock. Aurora, lost in guilt, only caught a few words, as Tezaro answered, "Do not concern yourself over it. I am aware. As are you now." He shoved the crest back into his shirt, satisfied that the elf had understood.

Amazed that he had just fought the legendary Protector of Armindia, Lucas remained in stunned silence---for a brief moment. "Well, that explains a lot. But still, how is it that she does not---"

"Owen, get the horses and start a camp. Eri you know what to do." Eri nodded at Tezaro before she guided Lucas around them. "We'll follow shortly. Aurora and I need to talk. Alone."  

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