Chapter Six: In The Desert

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In the dry, hot sand a beetle dug with vigorous energy to create its home as the grains collapsed into the small burrow. Crackling light from the nearby ruins disturbed the beetle sending it scurrying for shelter.

Out of the buzzing light, booted feet materialized followed shortly by his younger companion who stumbled out holding his hand. Exhausted from its task, the Crossing shrank and faded out of existence.

Tezaro ignored their surroundings, cupped Aurora's shoulders and studied her closely. "Are you alright? How do you feel?"

She breathed in normally and felt all of her extremities. "I'm fine." It was silly to ask, she had an idea of where she was, but she couldn't comprehend it. "Where are we?" An empty arch decorated with strange runes stood behind her.

The arid scorching wind blew against them filling their lungs with heat as they took in the ruins. They were on top of a stone scaffold, and Tezaro motioned to her to climb down. "You're in my world, Aurora."

Decaying structures that had once been buildings, sprouted from the desert sands and a barren monstrous fountain dominated the scenery in mocking glory. Sand dunes dotted the landscape further on in hues of brown, white, and soft pink.

"These are the ruins of the Lom'Araz." Before she could ask, Tezaro answered her unspoken question. "It is a cursed land, haunted by restless spirits of the past. It is also a source of powerful magic. We must leave and enter the desert; from there it will be over a day's journey to the nearest city, Morid."

It was then that Aurora noticed that she was completely dry. Holding on to the strap she inspected her belongings inside the pack. Dry too. She smiled and began to follow Tezaro as he moved out of the ruined city in the direction she could only assume was west toward the pink dunes. "Can you explain to me why or just how we are dry?"

"Crossings exist according to their reality or realm. In your world, it was in water. In this world, it is in a desert. You transformed according to the reality of the world you entered." Briskly he helped her down a large boulder and continued on without waiting.

"Can anyone use a Crossing?" She was flooded with curiosity.

Tezaro shook his head. "Crossings required a large amount of magical energy and only remain open for a few days. I've told you this." He looked out past the ruins and handed her a river stone with a carving in it. It was smooth if not dull. "Rune stones, like that one, can power a Crossing for those that are not practitioners of the Craft." He indicated to himself. "Although, they are hard to come by."

"What happens if you don't get to it before it closes? Can it be opened with this?" She returned it to him.

When he remained silent, she repeated the question. "What happens if it closes?"

"Crossings can be dangerous." He shrugged as if that said it all.

She rushed to his side and gazed at him in shock. "You mean, if we hadn't made in time you would have been stuck in my world?"

He repeated himself, "Crossings can be dangerous. It would take very powerful magic to open it and the chances of finding that in your world are slim, if any. If you are interested in Crossings, I know someone you might want to meet. He's a mage. He can answer your questions better than I can." He turned away and marched off into the desert.

As Aurora followed Tezaro she began to feel throughout her a strange sensation, as if millions of tiny sparks of energy had exploded to life inside her body ricocheting from cell to cell. She attributed it to an after effect of the Crossing.

Meanwhile, the sun begun a rapid descent across the sky to the melting horizon that kept out of reach. Through the day's walk each continued to observe the other through hooded glimpses and stolen glances. She remained wary of her guide, unsure of what she had gotten herself into, as Tezaro quietly and fumed at fate.

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