Chapter Seventeen: Prey

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A/N: This chapter is portrayed through multiple shifting povs.

A musty dawn broke over towering treetops and lifted the morning mists. The night's dew, collected on leaves, reflected the brilliant morning hues like tiny multicolored jewels.

A gentle shake on the shoulder awoke Aurora. "T-Tezaro?"

"No." Lucas's cold response had her sitting upright in a hurry.

"Lucas. I'm---" Before she could fumble an apology, his hand silenced her. For a brief moment it seemed his finger caressed her lips, but then he leaned close and spoke softly into her ear.

"There is no need for apologies with me, pretty one. And neither is this the time for one. It appears your pursuers were relentless and continued their search through the night. They are close. Very close.

"I dare not raise my voice more than this. Munbata is feeding far off and will attract attention if I call him. We must be gone before they become aware of us." Lucas pulled her up, and holding her hand, guided her along the branches.

They were still high above, but the ground became closer with each step. Lucas continued to guide her steadily downward, the forest's voices concealing their movement. It was unfortunate that his quivers were on Munbata but the beast was nowhere to be seen. He would have to make do with the one arrow he carried and his bow.

He had not wanted to frighten Aurora, but he needed her complete trust in him if they were to go undetected. As they continued descending in a spiral, Lucas felt her resistance as he tugged her hand. He turned to face her, a question in his eyes. Aurora shook her head and directed him with her stare far below.

At ground level a robed figure examined a large trunk not too far from them. Using his cloak to shield them, Lucas pinned Aurora against the trunk

His breath was at her ear once again: "Mage." He spoke with certainty before he turned to the woods and back to the mage. Scenarios sped through his mind and settled on their best option. The decision was quickly made.

He looked down at Aurora, cradled in his embrace for protection; a half smile broke his face. Giving her a quick peck on her forehead, he mouthed, for luck, and led her in a new direction.

His stride was steady and sure, while Aurora followed him as best she could in haste trying not to make noise. As she examined her footing closely, she began to realize the tree limbs were wrapped together.

The branches began to merge, almost into a walkway, and it became easier for her to follow as the mass inclined upward. Clearly Lucas had something planned, but now was not the time to question him.

Lucas jumped with wicked ease to a higher branch, and then reached out his hands to lift her to him. Once she was at his side, he motioned for her to stay, while he sprinted up across branches. A few breaths later a rope dangled in front of her.

Lucas quickly maneuvered down the rope to Aurora, a short sword now at his waist. There was no way of knowing how he had acquired either, but there was no doubt there was much more to Lucas than she had thought.

When he landed before her a new air surrounded him that seemed juxtapose to his earlier demeanor. He was serious and subdued and...dangerous.

Lucas squatted at the edge of the trunk and fiddled with an object. Then he took the end of the rope and knotted it into two loops. Without a word he placed one foot inside a loop and motioned for Aurora to follow.

It was then Aurora got a clear idea of what they were about to do. Aurora looked down to the ground. Far, far beneath.

She grabbed the roped with one hand, like Lucas, and slid her arm around his waist as he did hers. Her life was literally in his hands now, and as unbelievable as it seemed, she trusted him fully. They walked to the edge of the ledge then he tightened his grip on her waist.

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