Chapter Fifteen: Nesting Thoughts

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Thoughts as plentiful as the leaves of the Murmurwoods fluttered through his mind.

If she wore the seal of the Protector, no rational being would think of harming her or risk his fury. As the Protector's Choice, she truly was a treasure to be cherished and a perfect opportunity for him.

An interesting thought formed. It was common knowledge what a crest exchange meant, yet she acted confused when he mentioned being the Protector's Choice. Was it possible she was unaware that a given crest meant a betrothal? How could she not know?

The only way she wouldn't know the custom was if she'd come through a Crossing. And no one had come through in decades.

Lucas studied her keenly. Was it possible? Once again she had surprised him and another reason for which she intrigued him.

"Lucas, have you met Armindia's Protector?"

"A couple of years back I was presented with the opportunity to meet him." He felt Aurora tense against his arms. "However, before I could meet him, he had ridden off in the middle of the night."

As they traveled their voices mingled with the forest's indiscernible conversations, while the trees grew higher and thicker.

"His triumphs are becoming legend. He's fought off Mithoran from Armindia's borders for several years. I've never seen him in battle but there are plenty of stories of his fierceness and bravery.

"Not to mention his skill with a blade. I do not envy his opponents in battle. Sometime after we were to be introduced, he renounced his given title. But all know his seal no matter the race."

They continued riding through the forest, with very little direction from Lucas. Munbata seemed to know where they were heading.

Realizing that Aurora had remained silent for most of the journey, Lucas nudged her, "Have I said something to upset you?"

"Huh? Oh, no, no. You've simply given me something to think about." She looked warily at him.

"Anything else I can do to help? I am at the moment quite busy, though. First, I must aid you in your noble quest to save a friend.

"While I am currently occupied rescuing you from the clutches of an unknown pursuer no doubt of his intent of making you his wench." His chin rested lightly on her shoulder as he playfully batted his eyes.

She giggled at his innocent posture. "You are as sweet as Lily. Yes, you can help. I'm curious---"

"About being a wench? Well, I do not think that is a suitable conversation, but if ever you were interested," he wiggled his eyebrows again, and she elbowed him on his stomach.

"Ooof!" He exaggerated the impact to see her smile. "What? I was just saying that a friend of my cousin knows this guy that----" she pressed her hand to his lips.

"I get it," she smiled, "but I have something else you can help me with." He mumbled something against her fingers so she removed her hand.

He repeated, "Not the wench part?" A note of disappointment tainted his question while the trees grew thicker still around them.

"No. Now stop it, I have a question for you." He waited patiently for her to ask.

"Are all seals as recognizable as his?" She faced forward and did not see his lips form into a thin line.

"What I mean is, well, is your seal for example, as easily recognizable as well?" Darkness began to fall blending the trees with one another, making it difficult to distinguish where one began and the other ended.

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