Chapter Thirty-Three: Betrayal

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The clattering and clunking of metal echoed throughout the barracks as soldiers made ready. They clamored metal plates onto their limbs in preparation for battle. Whetstones incessantly caressed blades, slings sung with loaded arrows, helmets gleamed, and the drums of war beat deep within their chests.

They were loyal to their new lord who would stretch their glory and power beyond Mithoran's current borders. With Armindia already politically divided, it would become their first outside conquest.

But first the small pocket of resistance had to be eliminated. Shortly the large garrison would begin to depart, as soon as Lord Fennaris appeared before them. Beneath the foundation of Ilsurni Castle, their lord walked through the tunnels to the dungeons, armed and ready to deal death to any who stood in his way.

That was how he had taken power. Ruthlessly, he'd advanced through the military, until he possessed either the respect, loyalty, or fear of his soldiers.

He alone had redesigned the ruins of Ilsurni Castle to a fortress, and with Mimika's magic he had created the Labyrinth. She, like her creations, was deadly and loyal to him. Still, Mimika could not give him the certainty of power like that of the human girl.

With the human as the Key, he would have a claim to the throne of Armindia. All he needed was to seduce the girl. He had ordered the serum to no longer be given to her and as he approached her, he saw her sitting against the wall. Her strength was obviously returning.

After unlocking the door, he stepped toward her. She lifted her slim face in his direction. His eyes met hers, veiled eyes that would never see again. It was then he took the time to truly appreciate her features.

His eyes deliberately roamed her face and figure, her sharp nose and narrow face resembled the characteristics of the elvin. The rest of her also appealed to him in a much more carnal manner. A smirk graced his flawless features at the thought.

If the traitor could not deliver Armindia to him, then this human girl before him would. Fennaris had taken over the throne of Mithoran by force. He was prepared to do the same in Armindia, but the girl would be useful.

Mithoran was his, as it ought to have been from the start. It was in his veins that the ancient royal blood coursed through. Only one other could lay a claim to the throne and he had long ago been taken from the kingdom. It was unlikely that he'd be challenged for the throne now.

Lord Fennaris's ambitions spread beyond ruling Mithoran. The rich mines of Armindia would supply his armies ten times over for years to come. He would not rest until all of the elvin lands fell under his rule.

That brought him back to the girl, the possible Key and heir to Armindia. When he succeeded in seducing her, and he had no doubt he would, he'd take her to the capital city of Crown Guard where they would claim their thrones as king and queen. Looking at her now he was certain it would be no hardship in producing an heir to further strengthen his claim.

He took her hand in his and interpreted her flinch as shock and instead soothed her startled reaction with tenderness. Unbeknownst to him, he had forged a connection to her mind's eye. Lily's sight flashed into focus.

"I did not mean to frighten you. I came to apologize for my behavior earlier." He brought her hand to his lips. "Strong emotions help trigger and conduce magic. Anger or fear is an easy outlet for those yet untried to discover if it is within them. It is not in my nature to be so callous with women. Please forgive me."

He did not wait to hear her acceptance. "It comes to my attention that I do not know what to call you. What is your name?" His voice was achingly sweet and as unassuming as poison fruit.

Upon coming in contact with him, Lily focused all of her energy to borrow his sight and blocked out his words. As she saw around them, Nim was in his cell giving the appearance of looking tired and frail. When she looked closely, however, he was quietly observing everything. No doubt storing it for later use.

The images didn't last long. Fennaris was so single-mindedly focused on her that it was useless. She was beginning to see through his eyes at her. Until she noticed the silence, she realized she was expected to answer.

To her relief he repeated the question, and she answered only in hope of keeping him talking. He released her hand and the connection was broken. The images were gone. She felt weakened but tried to maintain her focus on his voice. Perhaps she could discover if there was a possibility for her to see on her own.

"I ride out with my men tonight but before I leave I wanted to offer you something." He stopped, waiting to see if he had her interest.

"What is it?" Her response was a small victory for him.

"I feel a connection to you. You have captured my attention Lily. Your strength. Your courage. Your beauty. It all fascinates me. It is a new experience for me. I am planning on removing you from here where you do not belong. I hope you will allow me the opportunity of becoming close to you. I believe we have much to teach each other. Will you permit me this, dear Lily?" His voice was the perfect facsimile of sincerity.

"I am blind because of you."

Her reply irked him, but he didn't let it show. "Crossings can be dangerous. I would have spared you if I could."

"And Mimika? You let her attack me."

His response was quick. "I told you we needed to see if magic was in your blood. It was the only way. But she will never again harm you. We'll see to that together. If you'll let me, I can show you how to use your power."

His hands caressed her dirt matted hair. "I see you for what you can become. More powerful than Mimika even. All I ask is that you let me be close to you. I have already given the order for you to be removed from this place, just as soon as your rooms are ready. Say yes, and you'll take Mimika's place at my side." Fennaris saw her begin to shake her head.

"Think about it. I'll ask for your answer when I return." He kissed her hand once again, and then marched out, leaving behind the rattling echo of the iron gate.

He walked through various stair tunnels that led to the ground level of the fortress with renewed confidence. A few more days with minimal food and water, he was certain, would persuade her to see his side.

Glad of having put one plan into action, Fennaris headed to his mount; ready to lead the garrison out to the northern borders of Mithoran and squelch any remaining resistance.

Lurking within the shadowy corridor a figure emerged after Fennaris's departure. Mimika had also made her way to the dungeon, eager to drain the human girl of more energy regardless of her lord's orders. The power surge she had experienced was addictive and she was willing to endure Lord Fennaris's wrath for another taste.

Mimika had assumed Fennaris would be absorbed in his military plans and be none the wiser. Surely, she would not be missed. She'd been mistaken, though not completely.

Fennaris had not missed her, but now she knew why. Before she'd begun to approach the corridor that led to the human girl, she'd heard the creaking of the door along with armored footsteps. Hastily casting a sight deflection ward, she'd hidden within the shadows.

Every word that had been spoken had reached her sensitive ears. Lord Fennaris planned on replacing her with the pathetic human. Her violet eyes narrowed. She needed to be rid of the girl without casting suspicion on herself; quickly. With every breath she took anger boiled hotter through her blood searching for an explosive release. But nothing was deadlier than the cold, deliberate calculations she began to design.


A/N: Hello! I normally don't do this since I try not the break the spell of reading, however, if you are enjoying the story please consider one of the following: commenting, voting, or sharing/recommending to a friend.

Happy Holidays!

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