Chapter 1- Innocence

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2:34 A.M

You moaned and groaned as your feet ached, longing to finally be in your bed. It was cold, you were drunk- the stench of alcohol reeked in your breath as you watched the heat leave your mouth. Your hair was a rats nest, desperately needing to be combed.

Your tight black dress clung to your body as if we're a person dangling from a cliff. You were soaked in the cold, pouring rain.

London was black. Building lights were off, street lights were broken. You walked in your broken high heels, limping at the pain they caused you.

Your make up was running down your cheeks and your hair covered your eyes- you couldn't really see where you were going.

This wasn't a good time to be walking home alone in London. These parts of London were very shady. You could get attacked by rats, the homeless, at anytime. This was the dark, pitiful, scary side of the city that no one ever wanted to be in. And well... You lived there.

You had an apartment by your lonesome. No boyfriend, friends that lived a hour from you. Hence why you went to the club tonight- you had nothing better to do so you thought, "You know what?"

"Fuck it"

Before you left for the club you felt like you were on top of the world for a while as you were just beginning to drink and dance with the strangers you had only just met.

This was the one night that you didn't give a shit about anyone, or anything. It was a night for you to just go crazy... To let everything loose.

Which turned out to be a huge mistake.

235 words
Welcome to "Taken by the Sidemen"! This book contains violence, sexual context, and swearing. Please do not read if you don't condone any of these readings. Feel free to vote, comment, and share! -C

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