Chapter 15- A or B?

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9:13 A.M.

Your heart blew into millions of pieces. They flew in ash to the deepest, darkest place in your chest. The heart wrench in your chest made your vision blurry, and the room around you spin. You kept rehearing the hunted words replaying in your head, your ears ringing, "positive".

"Y/N"? Vik called out to you, "Who's is it?" He questioned light heartedly. He knew this was a lot to take in after everything you've been through. He was the most understanding of the group, besides the secret side of Simon of course. Vik seemed to be the closest one to his humanity.

You lifted your head to look at Vik, but your tears covered your vision. Your eyes puffy and your nose slightly running, your bottom lip quivered while you softly answered, "I don't know."

Through your hazy vision, you saw his face drop, terror immediately filling his mind. You thought about what you were told once- "If anything; anything goes out of proportion, you will be in more of a living hell than you already are. We will treat you like the scum of the earth you really are".

His word mocked your thoughts, being sure to echo like a dark cave.

There is a human being inside of you; growing, as a little ball of whatever comes before the fetus. Of course you didn't know, you're 20 years old for Christ's sake! You're not ready for a child! You still want to do things in life, you want to be your own person. You we're planning going back to school for engineering, but by the looks of it, that it's already put on hold in the situation you have been living for the past couple days, and the present.

Growing up your mother always told you, "Once you have a child of your own, that's the day that you give up being a child yourself. So until you're ready to grow up, don't have children".
You had to admit she didn't put it in the kindest words ever, but it's the only thing you can remember her by before she left your family.

But now you were about to have a family of your own; clearly one you didn't ask for. A child you are now carrying from being kidnapped, abused, and raped; and the man that did all of those things to you.

But wait? Who is the father? You had been raped by two different men- Simon and Josh.

Was it Simon? The one you semi-trust(ed)? The one who seems not to be a maniac like the others?

Or was it Josh? The leader of this whole operation? The one who's abused you the most? Treated you like shit just for fun? Caged you in a basement? Tied you to a bed and-

You didn't know. It could be either of them. The thought terrified you. What should you do? Vik knows... what if he tells Josh? Or what if he tells Simon? Hell, he doesn't know who's it is either.

What if it really is Josh's? The man you despise the most. What do you think he would do? Beat you until it died? Let it live and have a life? You don't know how he would react.

You don't even know how Simon will react; you barely know what going through his head- is he good, is he bad?

Either way you don't know what is to come.

Let the drama commence....

What do you want to happen?
A) Play it as Simon is the father
B) Play it as Josh is the father

Vote in the comments, "A" or "B" and whichever get the most votes I will write!
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