Chapter 9- Finally

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11:30 P.M.

"It's getting late," Simon pointed to his watch. The room was dark, almost as dark as their souls.

There was no changing them. They were insane, not from this world insane. Insane doesn't describe what's mentally wrong with these men.

"So?" Josh scoffed.

"What do we do with her?" Simon gestured his head to you, Josh contemplating what to do.

"Take her back to the room?" Simon suggested in a whisper to Josh. He thought for a moment, his hand caressing his beard.

"Yeah, come on," Josh waved. Simon unlocked your cage and held your arms tightly behind you as he guided you upstairs. Out of the corner of your eyes you could see Simon smirking and looking somewhere you didn't want to be looked at.

"Eyes up, jackass," you scoffed yanking your arms getting his attention.

"Oh come on," Simon sighed, "it's nothing I haven't seen before."

You snarled your lip and rolled your eyes in disgust as Simon's grip on you tightened, pinching the bruises that lingered there.

"You're an ass," you emphasized the first letter of each word.

"Well," Simon began, "can I be your ass?" He smirked.

"It's looks damn fine from here baby girl!" Simon cooed with a whistle. You jumped forward when he slapped your ass, immediately you wanted to turn and punch him, but you knew what would happen if you did. Another side of you wanted to rub your bum, that shit hurt.

"Shut the fuck up already!" You groaned shaking your head.

"Hmm, you'll have to make me baby girl," Simon cooed, "see what happens," he smirked. You stopped your words thinking about what he said.

"No thanks," you rolled your eyes in a mumble.

Once you got back upstairs, Josh and Simon took you straight to the room they gave you.
In all honesty, you were surprised they even let you keep your room considering some of the things you've done.

Even though them letting you have a decent place to sleep is weird to you, you still want out. Back to your life- if you could really call it one.

"Okay sweet cheeks," Josh whistled as he neared you, "we're gonna let you sleep for tonight."

Thank God. Sleep.

"But don't try anything baby girl," Simon butted in, "or we'll have some more fun," he winked smirking at you up and down.

You silently scoffed, disgusted by his words.

"In a bit, sweet cheeks," Josh sang as he followed Simon out of the room. You heard many clicks of the the locks locking, and the crash of a gate closing.

God, what do they think I am? The fucking Hulk?

You lay on the stone hard bed, squirming as it dug into your skin. It was basically like sleeping on the cement floor in the cage, only with a moldy loaf of beard for a pillow that smelt like death.


Were they planning to kill me?

Well, they probably would have already if they wanted.

In a flash you saw every light go out outside and the light that peaked into your room from the hallway went black. You lay your head down, careful not to hurt yourself, sighing as your body ached and your mind wandered.

Soon your thoughts subsided, your muscles relaxed, and your eyes were met with your lids.

I'm so sorry for not updating! I promise to update more!
570 words

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