Crushed (Student/Teacher Love Story)

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Hey guys, so I'm on school holidays, and I don't think I can finish my other stories, so here is a new one, and I have the whole holiday to work on it. Enjoy :) Comment, Vote, Fan me :D

xx ChontelleLouise

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Note: I figured I should point out, It may seem cliche at first, but if you keep reading you'll see that while the basic idea of the story is the cliche Student/Teacher Love Story, it pans out in a completely different direction to most of the other stories of this genre. Not sure what I mean? Well, I guess you'll just have to keep on reading to find out!


I sighed dramatically, watching the world whizz by from inside Dad's four-wheel-drive. The window fogged up from my breath, and I lifted my left hand to draw on the foggy glass. We'd been driving forever and a bit, and I just wanted to get home already. Wherever home was.

I had lived with my mother my entire life, but she'd always been obsessed with her high-class reputation and company sales. I'd never complained, never gotten in her way, but one day she decided I was too much of a distraction. She sat me down with her 70-something year old husband and announced that I was to move in with my father while I completed high school. She couldn't wait to get rid of me, and a week later, here I was. Miles away from all of my friends and the life I knew back in Sydney. 

But don't get me wrong, I was happy to see my dad again. It's just, I hadn't seen him in nearly three years, and in that time he had gotten re-married to a witch. Well, not literally. I hope.

Noosa Heads was supposed to be a great suburb up in Queensland, with a high school offering a good quality education. Mum had told me it would be a nice, fresh start. New town, new school, new people. I could be whoever I wanted to be. I knew she was just trying to get rid of me though, the moment dad pulled in to an old two-story red-brick house that looked as though it were falling apart.

"We're home, Ari. This is where you'll be spending the next two years," he announced.

Oh, joy.


I lugged my suitcase out of the car and over to the bottom of the stairs, just in time to see a downfall of rain rapidly approach. And they call this the sunshine state of Australia. 

Dad took my suitcase and opened a white wooden door adjacent to the bottom of the stairs. The paint was old and peeling, and the door required a bit of a push before it finally opened, with an eerie creak. I followed dad into the room, which appeared to be a sort of granny-flat, equipped with it's own bathroom, kitchen, and laundry. There was a king-sized double bed at the far end of the room.

"I'm sorry for the short notice Ari, but seeing as theres only one upstairs bedroom already occupied, you'll be staying downstairs. I hope that'll be alright," he exclaimed, an awkward expression crossing his face.

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