Ain't it good being all alone?

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Dalton's POV (see "Strike a Match" above):

It appears that while trying to keep things from being awkward between Will and I about Hayley, things have become awkward. There's not a whole lot I can do, but it sure is hard sharing a room with the dude. Normally, I wouldn't mind at all but this is starting to put a sizable wedge between us. And I don't like it one bit. Just when I'm getting to a boiling point, Will politely announces that he's going to make a run for the breakfast buffet. I nod my head stoically and just keep working on my 30-minute setlist for the show later today at noon.

I'm working on a new song that's helping me gather my thoughts. I'm calling it "Strike a Match", just with all of this craziness, it kinda makes sense. And I always feel better when I put my thoughts to music.

Hayley's POV:

I mulled over what the guys had said to me last night at dinner, so I decided just to suck it up and go for it. After pulling on my customary low-profile disguise of a black hoodie and sunglasses, I walk to the opposite end of the long, secluded hallway where my manager told me Dalton's room was. I'm hoping with every fiber in my being that firstly, Dalton is there, and secondly, that Will isn't. This is already hard because I don't want to make things tough for the two of them, but Will honestly does creep me out. He seemed nice enough for the first thirty seconds but things got weird pretty quickly after that. His hand on my arm, the roses, the smooth talking... all perfectly fine, if I was receptive to it. But I'm so not. And to be honest, it's possible that my anxiety from previous crazy fan encounters is rearing its ugly head.

Okay, here it goes... I take a deep breath and knock on Dalton's door, not sure if what I'm about to do will work out, but I think it's worth a shot.

Dalton's POV:

I'm deep into the chorus of "Strike a Match" when I hear someone knocking on my door. Expecting it to be Will, I don't bother to put on pants (yeah I walk around in boxers in my room, so what?). And then, I'm greeted by none other than Hayley. First I smile, and then watch as her eyes casually travel to my waist and snap back up to meet mine, her face turning red. "Uh, maybe you should put on pants before I come in?" "Crap! I thought you were Will. Hang on a sec." I close the door, pull on my Slytherin sweatpants, and re-open the door to a still-blushing Hayley. "Well, I guess you just got the all-access pass to club Dalty..." Dumb joke, I know. I can do better - I'm less witty when I'm embarrassed. Her face reddens again but she laughs it off. "It appears so. Can't wait to tell my friends!" Well, I guess I'm not the only one with the lame jokes today.

"Anyway..." I perch my hand on the doorpost as seductively as possible. "What can I do for ya?" Hayley bites her lip and follows me into my cabin. We sit on the couch a respectable distance apart, even though I wish we were closer. "Well, I'm really glad you're on the cruise with us. It's really, really great to have you here. I really loved that last song you played yesterday..." I roll my eyes. "Well thank you but you should know something important..." Her eyebrows nearly touch her forehead. "What?" I lean in very close. "You're very bad at stalling."

Hayley tosses a fake laugh my way and then rolls her eyes. "Um okay, I guess you see right through me, huh?" "Well, not exactly. If I could really see through you then I'd call a paramedic because you'd probably want to get that checked out." "Ha ha very funny. But what's your point?" I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know, you came to find me..."

"Dammit Dalton! I really like you, okay? Gosh... like, I met you yesterday and I already like you. How'd you manage that?" I can't fight the grin exploding on my face so I let it win. But I have to cover my tracks as to not seem too desperate. "Hey, I like you too - you're a pretty talented chick!" Hayley brushes some neon yellow hair away from her face and smirks nervously.

"No, I mean... I like you like you."
"What, is this middle school?"
"Why are you so judgy?"
"When have you met anyone better to talk to?"
"Are you ever gonna stop being obnoxious?"
"Are you ever gonna just shut up and kiss me?"

Before I could take a breath after that sentence, her lips were on mine, the sensitive touch of her skin making my whole body relax and tense at the same time. Her hands carefully snaked their way behind my head, pulling me closer as I deepened the kiss. I'm completely consumed by the moment and the soft smell of her fruity perfume when...

"Dalton?! What the? Who the? Hayley?! How? When? WHY?!?" Will stands agape in the doorway. My face is still inches from Hayley's, her lips parted slightly, still reeling from the electricity that we both felt. It takes her a moment to register the ensuing awkwardness of Will's untimely entrance. "I uh, I better go. I'll... See you at the show, Dalton." She breezes past a very shocked Will in the doorway, leaving me alone with my best friend. And for the first time ever, I'm really dreading this conversation with Will. And I have no idea what to do to make it any easier for either of us.

The look on his face is one that's both utterly shocked and looks to be in pain. The shock I understand - honestly, I'm still reeling too. I would never have dreamt of kissing someone the day after meeting them. When I said "are you gonna kiss me" I was mostly just being sassy. But to my surprise, she just kinda went for it. Not that I'm complaining...

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