Chapter 4

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-Hello everybody and welcome back as we last continued off we saw Senior Trooper Shelbie become a different person when the masked men mentioned El Rey which brought out an amazing amount of mysterious power which no one has ever seen when all seems desperate in returning their friend to normal it was Shelbie's girlfriend Grace Delaney who returned her to normal with her tears now it seems that everything is back to normal for now...But one question is running through the Bureau's mind and that is where did Shelbie get this power and is there a away to control it?....Anyways on with the story Enjoy!-

I kept on running when I heard Grace yell my full name.(Looks like I'm in trouble now I better keep going before it's to late...)Before I could finish my thought I heard the sound of footsteps followed by someone yelling my name a huge sweat drop appeared on the back of my head as I slowly turned my head and saw that Grace was standing behind me with her hands on her hips I won't denied  it she looks sexy when she's mad."Uh...Hi Grace..."Before I could make a run for it she grabbed the back of my tank top pulling me back into her as she wrapped her arms around my waist laying her head on my chest listening to the sound of my heartbeat."I wanna hear that again what you said before."I felt a lump in my throat looking down I saw that Grace was looking up at me with those beautiful green eyes."I-I said that when this is over I wanna make you my wife."I looked away blushing a bright red as Grace placed both of her hands on my cheeks slowly turning my head towards her."Do you really mean that Shelbie?"I slowly nodded leaning into her touch."That's what I wanted to hear from you.."

I slowly opened my eyes to see that Grace was looking at me with tears pouring down her face but with a smile on her face."R-Really?"She nodded leaning up pressing her lips to mine for a few seconds before pulling back."Then I'll make you this promise once this deal with SOMBRA is over I Shelbie Briggs will make Grace Delaney my wife!"Grace started to blush a very bright red." Shelbie..."Silently gulping I started backing away slowly knowing the tone of her voice when she got embarrassed before I could take off running again she tackled me to the ground pinning my hands above my head."But that's not all I want."I looked at her with a confused look before she took my hand in hers placing it on her stomach."I also want to have a family with you."A huge blush appeared over my cheeks as I leaned up laying my head in the crook of her neck."It's settled then."Helping her up the two of us made our way back to the house once inside Grace closed the door locking it then she walked up behind me wrapping her arms around my waist laying her head on my back."Hmm....Shelbie..."Turning behind me I saw that Grace's eyes went slightly dark."Grace are you alright?"I watched as she leaned up pressing her lips against mine the kiss was full of pure love she slowly placed her hands on my chest lightly pushing me towards the stairs."I can't take it anymore Shelbie....I want you right now..."A huge blush appeared over my cheeks as I looked away nodding."Don't worry Shelbie I'll be gentle."She took my hand kissing my cheek as we went upstairs.

A few hours later we were laying in bed completely drenched in sweat Grace was leaning on her left arm while her other arm was wrapped around my waist holding me closer to her."I love you so so much Shelbie more then words can describe."Turning off the light she fell into a very deep sleep a few hours later Grace woke up to the sound of her alarm going off sitting up she covered herself with the sheet.(That was such a wonderful night the warmth and passion of it all made me realize how much she means the world to me.)Being shook out of her thoughts she turned her head to see that I woke up stretching out my stiff muscles."Good morning sweetheart."I turned to look at Grace smiling before wrapping my arms around her waist pulling her close to me."Morning beautiful."Grace lightly blushed before snuggling  into the crook of my neck."Last night was amazing wasn't it?"I nodded tightening my grip a bit."Yeah it was although I thought you said were gonna go easy on me."Grace giggled leaning up pressing a kiss to my cheek."We need to get up because we have a busy day today."Groaning I watched as Grace got up still having the sheet wrapped around her as she headed into the bathroom to take a shower smiling I started getting dressed waiting for her to finish her shower a few minutes later she came out of the bathroom no matter what she still looked beautiful."I'm gonna head on home and take a shower before we head out for the day."Grace nodded as I leaned down kissing her temple rushing out of the house."I really do love you Shelbie."Smiling she closed the door behind her getting ready for the day a few minutes I finally arrived in front of my house taking a breather I headed inside closing the door behind me."Made it just in time."

Tossing my keys,wallet and phone on the coffee table I headed upstairs towards the bathroom pulling off my dirty clothes I tossed them into the laundry basket making a mental note to do laundry later tonight a few minutes later I grabbed a towel and started to dry myself off once I was dried off I combed my hair and bushed my teeth before heading into  my bedroom to dressed pulling on a black short sleeve shirt with a red skull in the front and a pair of baggy light blue jeans with a skull belt with a chain attached and my worn out shoes heading downstairs I grabbed my phone,wallet and keys heading out the door locking the door before getting in my truck and driving over to my wonderful girlfriend's house.

-Chapter 4 is up how is everyone doing? I hope that you enjoy reading this chapter there are plenty more where this came from anyways I have a question for you awesome readers out there and the question is who would you like to see Senior Trooper Shelbie with next I'm actually working on the next Criminal Case book and I don't know when I'm gonna start it hopefully soon since I'll be playing Criminal Case trying to get some new idea's but yeah anyways I'll leave a list of the Characters in fact I wanna do a whole Series from start to finish would you readers wanna see that you can message me or leave your answers in the comments below don't forget to vote and check out the other stories that I've done and I'll see you in the next chapter bye!- 

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