Chapter 5

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As I was driving to Grace's house a single thought came into my head and that was.(I won't ever give up I will bring SOMBRA down once and for all.)A couple of minutes later I arrived at Grace's house pulling in the driveway I saw that she was sitting on the porch reading a book a light blush appeared over my cheeks as I quietly got out of my truck making my way towards her my heart started beating faster and faster until I was standing behind her slowly wrapping my arms around her laying my head on top of hers."Hey there sweetheart."I couldn't help but smile kissing the top of her head."Hey baby."I slowly pulled away from her as she got up from her chair putting the book in her purse."Are you ready to go?"I nodded taking her hand in mine as we headed towards my truck I opened the door for her."And who said shivery is dead?"Giggling she leaned over kissing my temple making sure she was in I closed the door making my way to the other side I quickly got in closing the door circling around her driveway the two of us headed to town."Alright so what are we doing first?"She reached into her purse pulling out a list."I have a doctor's appointment then we can head to the mall."Pulling up to the stop sign I turned to look at her with worried eyes."Doctor's appointment what's wrong are you okay?"Grace looked over at me before taking my hand in hers."I'm fine baby the doctor's appointment is just to discuss the important details before getting pregnant."A small blush appeared over my cheeks before pulling her into a passionate kiss slowly pulling away."You'll be a wonderful mother."A small smile appeared over her lips as she hugged me."So will you."Pulling away I started driving towards her doctor's appointment.

A few minutes later we arrived at the doctor's office shutting off the truck we both got out I took Grace's hand in mine as we headed into the office."You can take a seat baby I'm gonna go check in okay?"I nodded as she kissed my cheek as I took a seat in a chair near the door pulling out my phone realizing that I got a text message from Jack opening my messages it said."Hey the Chief wants us to meet up at the park later she said it's important."Silently groaning I texted him back."I wonder why she wants us to meet up at the park?"Sending the text message looking up I saw that Grace was standing in front of me."What's going on?"I showed her the text message a curious look appeared over her face."Why does Chief Ripley want us to meet up at the park for?" I shrugged standing up putting my hand on her hips."Who knows she said that it was important we'll know when she tells us."Grace nodded leaning into my embrace a few minutes later the nurse called Grace's name."Grace Delaney the doctor will see you now."We looked at each other before the nurse looked at us smiling."You can come too Senior Trooper Shelbie."Rolling my eyes the two of us went into the doctor's office."Ah hello Ms.Delaney how are you doing and you must be Senior Trooper Shelbie it's an honor to finally meet you."The doctor reached over shaking my hand."Shall we proceed to my office to discuss the important details."We nodded as the three of us headed to her office."Everything looks good now Grace's tells me that she wants to start a family with you is that correct?"I nodded as Grace leaned into me laying her head on my shoulder."Excellent since this process is very simple now Senior Trooper Shelbie for this process to work all we need is some of your blood."

I looked at her with a confused look."M-my blood what do you mean by that?"Before she could respond a female nurse came in with a small needle and tube."That doesn't look so bad at all."   The nurse asked me to come into a different room to take my blood sample I nodded leaning down kissing Grace's hand I left the room with the nurse."You must be famous for your work."I couldn't help but smile."I couldn't have done it without my friends and girlfriend."The nurse smiled as we arrived in the room."Alright please take a seat and we'll get started."I nodded taking a seat while the nurse started rubbing alcohol on my arm once that was over she slowly pushed the needle in my arm I watched as my blood started filling up the small tube after a few seconds the nurse pulled the needle out giving me a bandage."All done ready to head back?"I nodded as we headed back to the doctor's office."You're very lucky to be her girlfriend."I nodded smiling.(Yes...very lucky....)Once we arrived back at the doctor's office I thanked the nurse heading inside and what I saw made me blush a thousand times more then normal Grace had a picture of me sleeping on my couch only wearing a tank top and baggy shorts."G-Grace what are you doing?!"They both looked up at me before giggling."I'm sorry baby your just to cute."I quickly looked away blushing as Grace stood up walking behind me wrapping her arms around me laying her head on my back."I love you baby."I knew I couldn't stay mad at her for long turning around I wrapped my arms around her waist kissing the top of her head."I love you too baby girl."

As we said goodbye to the doctor I wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her towards me."Where should we go next?"Grace reached into her purse pulling out a shopping list."Let's see we need to run to the store to pick up a few things and then we can meet up with the rest of the team."I nodded as the two of us headed back to the truck."You know when the time comes we'll have to tell the Bureau and our families."I nodded taking my hand in hers."I just hope your ready to meet my family because once they hear about this..."A smile appeared over Grace's lips as she leans over kissing my cheek."I'm sure I can handle it let's go."

-Chapter 5 is up sorry it took a bit I had writers block and I've been staying up all night waiting for the new case of Criminal Case to come out I'm so excited anyways I hope that you enjoying reading this chapter I'll see you in the next chapter bye!-

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