Chapter 8

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As we were walking home with San Jay and the triplets I looked up at the night sky with a smile on my face."It's such a beautiful night huh Shelbs?"I nodded looking over at Chris Jr.,who was smiling."You remember how dad used to take us out here just to look up at the night sky?"That was a memo rable day but the other memory I had was telling my parents that I wanted to join the police academy after high school at first I thought they would be upset but instead they hugged me tell ing me that they were proud of me no matter what while Chris and Jeff went to college as for Emma she decided to  travel the world."We made them so so proud didn't we Shelbs?"I nodded smi ling remembering all the times that we had together as a family made me realize that how lucky I was to have Grace right beside me having a family of our own brought a smile to my face then it suddenly hit me."Hey Chris can I ask you something?"He turned  to look at me."What's up Shelbs?"Tak ing a deep breath I turned to him."Do you think I'll be a good mother to my kids?"He was silent for a few minutes before looking me straight in the eyes before answering."Shelbs you'll be a Damn good mother believe me no mat ter what happens you'll always put your children's life ahead of your own if that's not parenting i don't know what is."When he finished talking I stared at him for a second before reaching over placing my hand on his shoulder."Heh Thanks Chris I needed that and your right just look at us the triplets Sanjay and the others all of us were raised by amazing parents desp it's what others say."Chris nodded smiling."Exactly Shelbs but don't forget while the others are off fighting against those masked agents we have to find your friends and stop this El Rey once and for all remembering all the times that I had solving cases in Grimsborough and Pacific Bay stopping the most dangerous criminals and bringing back the peace that was once lost in the darkness even though in the process I lost some of the most important people in my life but if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have made it this far without their help."I was able to save both Grimsborough and Pacific Bay with the help of my friends."A huge smile broke out on Jeff's face."There you go Shelbs were all friends here and once we get the location of the others the six of us will defeat El Rey once and for all and save the world are you with me?"I looked at him nodding."Yeah let's do it for our friends!"

Jeff nodded smiling as we heard the alarm coming from inside the Bureau building we looked at each other before rushing back inside the Bureau."Where's the alarm coming from Shelbs?!"I had an idea as I quickly rushed to Elliot's lab looking on the screen I realized that BOB managed to located a very strong signal which was coming from underground.(That's strange why would a signal come from underground?)I decided to dig a little bit deeper using the skills I learned during my time in Grimsborough,Pacific Bay and the Bureau I decided to use an advance search on where that signal is coming from after a few minutes we finally had an answer that we were looking for."Jeff come here I got the location!"He quickly ran into the room."Did you find out where it was coming from?"I nodded transferring the information into my phone."Yeah but I have a bad feeling about this in fact we can't rush in there head on we need a plan and fast."As Jeff was about to say something there was a huge explosion coming from outside of the building."What the....?!"We bolted out of the room towards Marina's office where Sanjay and the triplets were at."Shelbie,Jeff help us please!"Once we reached the office we saw that the entire building was coming apart we crawled under the table with them I wrapped my arms with April and May while Jeff wrapped his arms around June and Sanjay."Don't worry we won't let anything happen to you four we will protect you with our lives no matter what!"

As they held onto us for dear life we looked at each other feeling the tears run down our faces  as the building started coming apart I heard this voice inside my head telling me.(Don't give up it's up to you to stop SOMBRA and bring back the peace we know and love.)With that I grabbed a hold of Jeff's sleeve using the last of my power transporting us away from here once we reached a safe distance as the building came crashing down."S-Shelbs did you save us?"I nodded looking up."We can't give up now after everything that we've been though it's time we fight back and show SOMBRA what we can do together as a team!"Jeff nodded smiling."You're right with the six of us there's no way we can lose!"I couldn't help but smile looking down at Sanjay and the triplets."Now I know why I joined the police force I did it so I could protect innocent people from heinous murderers...."We both realized it was to dark to see anything we decided to go home and prepare for the ultimate fight against El Rey and bring back peace to the world a few miles away El Rey was busy getting his army ready for the ultimate fight light vs dark."Is everything ready?"The agent nodded bowing."Yes sir."El Rey nodded smiling evilly."Excellent I hope that Senior Trooper Shelbie is ready to die!"

Looking back he saw that the Bureau's souls completely sealed in the mirrors.(I don't understand what makes Senior Trooper Shelbie so strong...the way that she doesn't give up and keeps going no matter how difficult the situations are....No matter this will all end and I will succeed in my plans..)Turning towards the screen once again once we arrived at the house we saw that the lights were on."That's strange...who would be at the house?"We looked at each other hearing the door open we saw our grandma Mary our brother Chris and sister Emma."G-grandma,Chris,Emma what are you doing here?!"They all smiled at us helping us all inside taking Sanjay and the triplets upstairs to bed."We heard what was going on and decided to help you Shelbs after all were family!"I couldn't help but smile hearing some footsteps coming down-stairs we all looked up to see that Sanjay and the triplets were standing on the stairs looking-down at us."We wanna fight too after all were part of the family too!"We couldn't help but smile nodding."That's right were a family and with all of us together there's no way were gonna lose!" We all started cheering getting ready for the fight of the lifetime."I got a really good feeling about this Shelbs after this is finished you have to introduce you're girlfriend to the rest of the family."I looked away blushing.

-Chapter 8 is up this is the ultimate fight of a lifetime light vs dark who will come out victorious will Senior Trooper and her family be able to bring back peace that they once knew and love and free the Bureau or will SOMBRA succeed in taking over the world destroying Senior Trooper Shelbie and the Bureau? Stay Tuned and find out the conclusion and I'll see everybody in the next chapter bye!-

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