That Time

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I see him,

Playing with the strings of his guitar;

And singing out loud,

To please the cheering crowd.

I see him smiling

From the tv screen,

Of the café

Where we used to meet.

I see him singing his new songs,

The ones he wrote for his new love.

I am happy that he made it,

But for a moment I feel sad.

For a moment I think it could be us,

Then I ask myself

What good would that bring ,

Looking at our past?

There were multiple reasons why we couldn't last.

It stings me because neither of us were wrong.

Together, we just weren't that strong.

It didn't hurt me

When he turned the time we spent together into a song.

After all, we both had made money off our feelings.

He was just an artist

I was the one in charge of his dealings.

There are also times,

When it makes me wonder

Whether the things

we promised each other had any meaning?

I take a sip of my coffee

As I stare at the ceiling.

Realising that I do remember a lot,

But those memories have lost their meaning.

I do smile at them

But I don't feel nostalgic enough to go back

And relive those days.

Emotions work in really strange ways.

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