Chapter 1

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With Ash

"I'm Home" Ash yelled. He had finally returned after 3 years in Alola. The last time he was in Pallet Town was after the defeat in the Kalos League Final to Alain... and after saving Kalos from Team Flare of course.

"Piii Pikaaa" Pikachu soon announced. He also voiced the fact that he had returned.

"Mime Mr. Mimee" said the humanoid Pokemon from the kitchen. Ash soon followed the voice and saw Mr Mime washing some dishes.

"Hey Mr. Mime, How're you doing? And do you know were mom is?" asked Ash.

"Mime Mime" replied Mr. Mime while pointing towards Prof. Oak's Lab.

Ash immediately understood what Mr. Mime meant but still tried to confirm it by asking " So mom's at the Lab?". Mr. Mime nodded. 'Mom seems to spend a lot of time with Prof. Oak' Ash thought.

Removing the subject from his head, Ash headed to his room and sat on his bed. Ash had been tired from the travelling and while sitting on his bed, Ash's eyes grew heavy and eventually, he dozed off.

Ash awoke when he felt something tough slam into his stomach. He had the wind knocked out of him and couldn't even get himself to say a word. He opened his eyes to find Pikachu using Iron Tail in his sleep. Ash was used to Pikachu using Thunderbolt on him to wake him up but this Iron Tail was new... and a lot more effective. Ash looked at his Voltorb clock to find that it was around 7:30 so he decided he had enough sleep for now.

Ash got up and headed downstairs to find that his mom was cooking dinner. As he walked into the kitchen, Delia turned around. After noticing Ash standing there, Delia's eyes widened and a huge smile formed on her face as she tightly hugged Ash.

"Ash, honey, you're finally home!" she exclaimed. "I've missed you so much" she continued.

"I missed you too mom... b-but you're su-su-ffocating m...e" Ash managed to say.

Delia quickly released Ash and said "I'm sorry honey, I'm just so happy to see you again.".

"It's nice to see you again too mom" Ash replied. Anyway, Dinner's almost ready so go have a seat. Ash gladly cooperated and sat on the chair.

After dinner, Ash and Delia were watching TV when suddenly Delia turned to Ash and started speaking.

"I've been thinking honey. You have been on this journey since you were 10. You're 17 now and you still don't know much about anything but Pokemon battling. You have completed school in Alola, but I think need to have a better understanding of more academic subjects like Maths, English, Science etc. I was thinking of enrolling you into Kanto High but this came for you when you became the Champion in Alola." Delia said while handing Ash a brown envelope.

Ash was in shock. This was all happening so quickly. He didn't know what to do or how to reply to his mother. After a couple of moments,took the envelope and then he finally spoke up. "Mom, you know my main goal is to become a Pokemon Master. Going to school and learning all that sciencey stuff is just going to be a waste of my time. When I become a Pokemon Master, I'll easily earn enough to support you and myself."

"I understand Ash, but it would be quite useful if you go to school. Not only will you learn something new, you'll probably make new friends too. Besides, you haven't even opened the letter yet." replied Delia.

Ash looked down at the plain brown envelope on hands. There was nothing printed on the outside apart from his name and address. When he opened the letter, he saw three letters that immediately caused him to widen his eyes and make his heart skip a beat. K.I.T. The Kalos Institute of Technology. Not only was this one of the most prestigious schools in the world, it was also known to be where all the best trainers in the world studied and graduated from. From Cynthia to Wallace. All types of trainers were welcome because KIT wasn't just a normal school. They also specialised in Pokemon Training where the teachers would be the very best in their field. Ash knew that if he went to the KIT, his dream of becoming a Pokemon Master would take a huge step forward. Without any second thoughts, Ash tackled Delia into a hug. Ash knew what he wanted to do now. In less than 2 weeks' time, Ash will be attending KIT.

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