Chapter 23

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We rejoin Ash and Serena as Serena just let Ash know that she does remember him now.

No one's POV

"Almost 11 years ago. Professor Oak's Summer Camp in Pallet Town, in Kanto. I met you, Ash Ketchum."

As soon as Serena said that, Ash's world just stopped. It came to him so quickly and so suddenly that he didn't know how to react. Of course, from the moment he saw Serena on that day, he had been playing for this moment, however, now that the moment was finally here, he was at a loss for words.

Ash just started at Serena wide eyed. Serena took this as a cue to continue. She remembered the handkerchief that she shoved into her bag in the morning. She quickly took it out and held it in between her and Ash.

"Remember when we went to Conference Park that day and you told me about how you met 'that girl' during Summer Camp? Well, I wanted you to tell me how you met her... but you told me 'I was hoping you would tell me the answer to that one day.'. Well, here it is, Ash. Now that know that the girl was me... I can tell you everything from my point of view.

I had wandered away from my group and ended up getting lost near the entrance of Viridian forest. I was lost in an unfamiliar place. For a young child, that was a terrifying experience. For all that I knew, an Ursaring could have jumped out of nowhere and mauled me. Being the pessimist that I was, I was really expecting the worst." Serena started.

"I only got more scared when a bush right next to me started shuffling. A Poliwag the jumped out of nowhere and it scared me so much that I tripped and hurt my knee. I absolutely hated it. I hated being at that camp. I hadn't made a single friend and I didn't see a point in any of the activities.

As I was thinking about that, the bush rustled again. This time, I could tell from the sound of the rustling that whatever was in that bush was a lot bigger than a Poliwag. I remember how I couldn't stop crying. This time, I really thought that it was one of those Ursarings... so I clenched my eyes shut and cried even harder... but then I heard a human voice. It was a calm and soothing one." said Serena as she smiled at a still bewildered Ash.

"The head of a boy, about my age, popped out of the bushes looking for the same Poliwag. He was looking around until his eyes met mine. They were the most amazing shade of Auburn I had ever seen. I just couldn't tear my gaze away. That was until he started talking to me. He told me his name was Ash. He saw my bruised leg and tied this very handkerchief around my knee. He also taught me the words that I live by these days.

'Never give up until the end.'

He was so kind and so sweet. He took my hand in his and walked me back to the safety of the camp-grounds.

From that day on, Ash, you and I were the best of friends. Just like you said in the cave that day, we spent every waking hour together. We played together and ate together and worked together. We did almost everything together.

Thank you Ash!" finished Serena as she gave him a big bright smile.

Ash was still in a trance. He couldn't believe that Serena had remembered it all. He soon broke out into a smile too, however, it was all overcome by a feeling of dread immediately. This caused him to frown.

Seeing that frown on Ash's face upset Serena a lot. She now knew that something was definitely wrong.

"What's wrong, Ash?" she asked in concern.

"Serena... it's great that you finally remember me. It really is... but I'm afraid, just as I said earlier, you are a bit too late. I have to go to Alola." finished Ash as his eyes glistened with tears.

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