Chapter 15

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Before I start, I want to say I'm really sorry for not uploading a new chapter last week. I had a lot of work to do and I was moving back to London for Christmas. Packing and Uni work just took up all of my time.

Now that the Christmas break is here, updates should be a lot more frequent.

Thanks for understanding!

We join Ash as he makes his way to the cafeteria on the Monday following their 'date'.

With Ash

'I don't know how to act around Serena anymore. What happened last night was... well... unexpected to say the least. I don't mind what she did, in fact, dare I say it, I enjoyed it, BUT, I don't know what kind of effect it will have on Serena. Or the relationship between Serena and me. Last night, I played the scene over and over again in my head and I started getting a vague idea of how Serena feels about me. I couldn't sleep for hours due the the adrenaline rush last night... I hadn't even considered the consequences of her actions. Today might be awkward... and I don't want it to be. No matter what happens, I will act completely natural so that Serena and I can interact as if it is any other normal day. 

The main reason for this is because I don't want Serena to stop training with me. Everytime she is with me, she fills me with motivation. It's all a combination of simple words that comes out of her mouth, like "You can do it Ash!" or "What happened to 'Don't give up until the end?'". To anyone else, it might not mean anything, but to me, its all the only morale booster I need. Everytime I contemplate skipping training or finishing early, Serena says something along those lines and I instantly feel myself becoming re-energised. That't the type of people I need around me. I know that it is a bit selfish of me but... I'm allowed to be selfish once in a while, right?' Ash thought to himself. He had been feeling uncertain about the current situation he was in since the morning. He knew that he felt uncomfortable, and , if he knows Serena, he knew that Serena would probably feel a lot more uncomfortable than him.

After making sure that he would act completely normal and as if nothing even happened, he confidently strode into the cafeteria. He noticed that all his friend were already there, including Serena. After getting his breakfast, he made his way to his usual seat... right in front of Serena.

No one's POV

Ash made his way towards his seat. Thankfully for him, Alain had moved next to Mairin. After what happened the week before, Alain had become very cautious around Ash.

Once Ash got to his seat, Serena looked up at him. They made brief eye contact and Serena immediately broke it because of how embarrassed she was. Ash knew this would happen. He signed and sat down.

'Ash probably thinks I'm some sore of idiot now. Why would I even do that? He told be that he loved someone else... why would I do such a thing. He probably hates me now. As if your chances with him weren't already slim enough. Bravo Serena! Bravo!' she thought to herself.

The atmosphere was quite tense and the lack of conversation made it even awkward. The group of friends had noticed this and everybody was really worried. Gary was about to speak up but Ash beat him to it.

Ash had had enough and spoke up.

"Serena... umm... uhh..." was all Ash could say. It was typical Ash, doing before thinking.

Serena looked towards Ash and saw him trying to converse with her. She knew it was awkward for him too. She didn't want it to be that way and neither did he. Looking at Ash struggling to soothe the atmosphere, but fail made Serena giggle. Ash too stopped trying to spark a conversation and smiled at the giggling Serena in front of him and started chuckling himself. By this time, Gary and the rest realised that everything was basically back to normal between the two. It didn't even take that long. They then went back to doing their own thing.

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