Chapter 29 - Final Chapter

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Ash is currently battling Calem for a place in Kalos' Elite 4. So far, Ash has won one battle, drawn one and lost one. This means that currently, the two are tied.

We rejoin the battle as the trainers are about to start their 4th battle.

No one's POV

"Alright, this battle will be between Yveltal and Charizard. Battle Begin!" yelled the referee.

The trainers wasted no time in commanding their respective Pokemon.

"Charizard, fly up!" yelled Ash.

"Follow him!" commanded Calem.

With one mighty flap of his wings, Charizard catapulted himself towards the sky. Yveltal followed suit.

"Turn around and Dragon tail!" screamed Ash.

Charizard immediately flipped over to face Yveltal. His tail started glowing as he started dive bombing towards Yveltal.

"Dark Pulse!!" Calem yelled to his Pokemon.

Yveltal stood its ground and faced Charizard. From the middle of its torso, Yveltal direacted a beam of dark rings towards Charizard.

Calem watched as Charizard started flying straight towards the Dark Pulse.

"Use Dragon Tail now!! Cut right through it!!" commanded Ash.

Charizard did exactly that. He did a somersault so that his tail was facing the Dark Pulse. Charizard then slammed his tail right into the beam of dark energy and started cutting right through it.

Calem and Yveltal watched on helplessly as Charizard cut through the beam like hot knife through butter. Seconds later, Charizard's taii made contact with Yveltal sending it flying towards the ground.

"Yveltal, come on! You can keep going!!" encouraged Calem.

Yveltal heard its trainer's voice. With all its effort, it flapped its wings harder and stabilised itself preventing it from slamming into the ground. The sight caused a smile to grow on Calem's face.

"Great job, Yveltal! Now, Aerial Ace!!" 

Yveltal immediately shot up high and did a loop in the air. Before Ash could even command Charizard, Yveltal slammed into him. The sudden force took Charizard by surprise and caused him to slam into the ground. This caused a small dust cloud to rise up.

"Charizard, are you alright!?" asked Ash.

He didn't get any reply. Instead, as the dust started setting, Ash could see a very angry Charizard standing there glaring at Yveltal.

"I know what that look is Charizard. Alright, if you insist..." said Ash as he held his fist out in front of him.

Charizard looked back at his trainer and nodded while grunting. As soon as Ash got the signal, he pressed the mega stone on his ring.

"Charizard, let's do this! Mega Evolve!" yelled Ash.

Immediately, a bright flash surrounded Ash and Charizard. Mega Evolution energy surged between trainer and Pokemon and as the energy dissipated, it left a Mega Charizard X on Ash's side of the battlefield.

Calem watched in awe, however, he smirked a little knowing that he was ready for this.

"Charizard, Blast Burn!" commanded Ash.

Charizard made a fist and it was immediately enveloped in searing flames. He then slammed it down onto the ground. This cause a fiery shockwave to speed towards a stationary Yevltal.

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