Chapter 17

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First, I want to say sorry for not updating for such a long time. I was working on another story and then decided to take a little break. That's it I guess...

We ended the previous chapter with the re-arrival of Miette at KIT. She finished her introduction and now, we join the classroom to see what unfolds next!

No one's POV

"Hello, to those of you who don't know me, I'm Miette Poffle!" exclaimed Miette happily as she scanned the classroom.

As she was scanning, her eyes landed on a certain Honey-Blonde. As soon as they made eye contact, Miette immediately snarled. Serena, too, glared back at her. As Miette was looking towards Serena, she caught something in the back ground that caught her eye. It was the wild, messy Raven hair that she was so obsessed with. As she was staring, Prof. Rowan suddenly spoke up.

"Alright Miette, please sit next to Ursula." said Rowan.

Miette looked around to find Ursula. Her eyes immediately lit up as she saw that the desk Ursula was sitting on happened to be on Ash's immediate right... so basically, Miette was sitting behind Serena, but right next to Ash.

Miette then started walking towards her seat. She walked past Serena while glaring at her. Serena just folded her arms, closed her eyes and then looked away. Miette scoffed at her actions and then immediately set her sights on Ash.

Ash was still covering his face, trying not to get noticed by Miette, however, he soon found out that he was unsuccessful.

"Hi Ashy-Boo!" said Miette while extending the 'i'.

Ash completely froze... and so did Serena.

'Ashy-Boo!? What!?' thought Serena while turning around to look at Ash. Dawn too turned around while Gary sat there sniggering, trying to hold his laughter in.

Ash slowly moved his hand away and started talking.

"Oh, I-I didn't notice you there M-m-miette." said Ash, nervously. It was clear that he was terrified of Miette just by his facial expression and body language.

"Of course you didn't. Your eyes were covered by your hands." said Miette while stroking Ash's cheek with the tips of her fingers.

Ash flinched as she did this, while Serena started boiling up with anger and jealousy.

Miette quickly glanced at Serena and then chuckled. 'I was right after all.' said Miette. The then took her seat.

 Ash was still shivering and sweating violently. He was staring straight ahead almost as if he was in a trance.  

"Ashy-boy, you OK?" asked Gary.

Ash just nodded as a response. Gary, along with Serena and Dawn just looked at each other with a puzzled expression on their faces. They looked at Ash a little skeptically, but then shrugged and continued working.

Miette tried getting Ash's attention multiple times during class. Doing things like asking him to explain what the teacher was saying; or asking him to pick up the pen she "accidentally" dropped. Every time Miette said Ash's name, both Ash's and Serena's hearts dropped. It was torture to both Ash and Serena. However, they struggled through the class and thankfully, Miette sat nowhere near Ash during the other 3 lessons.

It was now lunch time, and as always, Ash was the first one to get there. He got his lunch and soon, the rest of the gang joined. Ash was deep in thought while Mallow was looking at Ash sympathetically. The rest of them were confused. IF they knew Ash, they knew that all the food on his plate should have been finished the moment he sat down. It was new to them. Gary and Serena were especially concerned. Gary has been Ash's friend for as long as he could remember and Serena, well..., she liked Ash. Serena was abut to ask Ash about what was wrong, however, Gary beat her to it.

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