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Cleo walks towards her house when suddenly an arm is slung round her shoulder

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Cleo walks towards her house when suddenly an arm is slung round her shoulder.

"You dick! You scared me!" She says, shoving her ignorant brother off her.

"Hey!" He says and she rolls her eyes and keeps walking.

"Cleo c'mon!" He says and she looks round at her unidentical twin.

"Fuck off, Harold," She smirks and he glares at her.

Harry Lewis hated being called Harold, and he hated his sisters good nature. He was one of those 'bad boys' that hung around with Simon Minter, Joshua Bradley and Ethan Payne- whereas his sister, Cleo Lewis was a smart, quiet girl who promoted peace rather than war.

Harry Lewis hated his twin, and Cleo Lewis hated her twin- it was just the way they worked.

They head into their home where they are greeted by their parents, both of them giving their children smiles. 

"Afternoon," Says their mother, and Harry immediately starts talking about how much he hates sixth form and how he dislikes the subjects and the teachers. 

"Oh, and Cleo is such a little idiot, she nearly knocked me into the road on the way home," Harry says and Cleo rolls her eyes in her twins direction. 

"Shut up, I hardly even touched you!" She says and Harry frowns. 

Cleo turns on her heel and grabs her school bag, heading upstairs to her room. 

"Cleo Lewis!" Its her mother, "Come back down here immediately, I had a call from your headmaster earlier!" 

Cleo's eyes shut in frustration- she just wanted five minutes to herself, where she could relax and have a break from reality. 

She groans as she stands up, her feet dragging across the floor. Cleo travels downstairs, glaring at her brother as she passes by. 

"I hate you," She mutters and Harry laughs. 

Cleo reaches the kitchen to find her mother and father sitting at the breakfast bar. 

"Sit," Her father orders, so she takes a seat and sighs deeply. 

"What's up?" She asks, trying to pass off the event that occured at school today as a light offence. 

"The headmaster told us you witnessed, and actively took part in a fight between two boys?" Her mother starts. 

"Oh please, I tried to pull one of the kids off the other one," Cleo explains. 

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